Hi. Feel like I'm going crazy here. Am wondering if I could be pregnant. I first started light spotting last wed. Never came to anything. Period officially due on Saturday so it is quite late. Today is day 30 and I've only once had a period arrive on day 30. I was about to do a pregnancy test but went to loo and had more light spotting after had none for about 3 days. Feel scared. Was really hoping this was our time scared if I take a test it ll be negative.xx
Like the 2ww again: Hi. Feel like I'm... - Fertility Network UK
Like the 2ww again

Hey Hun I had the same thing back in June after a failed IUI. I actually missed a whole months period but was spotting. I took several tests and all were negative. You could be pregnant though so you should take a test, everyone is different! Best of luck x
Our bodies can get a bit messed up with all the meds and stress etc but u never know! u hear when people say it happened when they were almost giving up! Do the test! got my fingers crossed for u xxx
Thanks. Almost don't want to know!! It's horrible the way we get our hopes up xx
I symptom spot every month-we all do it x
Just did a test. It said not pregnant 😐😐 feel gutted. If it's not here by sat will test again. I hate this. My period is 4 days late. Xx
It is a rollacoaster and each day comes with a different emotion. One minute you are optimistic and the next minute you are doubting everything. Just do what you feel is best. I have everything crossed for you Hun xxx
Thanks but I'm probably not although my friend just said to me better to do first thing so there's probably a slim chance. I'd rather just know it's awful xx