has anyone else experienced hair loss during and after a cycle, i started to lose hair during my first cycle, the cycle unfortunately failed but I seem to still be losing lots of hair. Got a second cycle starting end of January so not sure if it’s stress or meds related 😥
Hair loss: has anyone else experienced... - Fertility Network UK
Hair loss

yes! I have noticed this after my third cycle. My hairdresser said my hair was thinner around the front and I also noticed I actually blocked the shower (I’ve never done this!!) 😒 I’m thinking it’s the hormones maybe? Not sure. Wishing you all the best for your next cycle xx

Thank you for your reply, it seems to be my eyebrows and eyelashes too! I was thinking it was just me because every one (non IVF peeps) keep telling me I’m overthinking! I’m so glad that I have this platform where people understand me 🥰
so hope it stops soon and is just the hormones 🙌 xx
hi hope you’re well, I did after our first fresh transfer (ended as MMC), It was handfuls of it ! I think is a result of the hormonal changes, it has eventually got better and didn’t seem as bad for the next FET. I asked GP to check me for iron etc to try to see if there was something else but everything came back as ‘normal’. I hope yours gets better soon too, wishing you all the best of luck for your next cycle xx
thank you for your reply 🤍 mine seems to be handfuls too when I’m in the shower then loads comes out in the brush too! Hoping it’s not as bad on my next cycle xxxx
yesss! 100%!!! I have had three egg collection cycles and one (failed) transfer cycle in 2023. Each time I’ve lost hair and currently have so much that is only a few inches long (where it’s grown back). My hairdresser said it looks a lot like post partum loss and regrowth. I also have some grey coming through which is never had before this year. Not sure if that is related...
There were also a few points this year where my eyelashes got unbelievably long and then just fell out.
I’ve added more protein to my diet and am trying to stay consistent with relaxation and all the supplements I’m already on. And also hair oiling and treating it better to help it look a little better.
I do think it comes back but hormonal fluctuations do affect hair for sure. When I asked at my clinic, the nurse said a lot of patients mention it xxx
I found that progesterone made me lose way too much hair and it was devastating to receive treatment as I didn't feel like a woman enough for being able to have a baby, and then my hair loss started which reinforced not feeling womanly.Got 3 year old girl now transfer 4, and now 12.5 weeks preg with transfer 8.
I am experiencing the same after my 2nd round. It started after egg collection and it seems to be calming down now after three months. I reduced washing and using hairdryers. My GP is running blood work to see if there is anything but I do suspect it’s the hormone changes, I also had a growth hormone in my 2nd round which had a side effect of hair loss. It might be worth checking the medications if there’s any noted side effects too.
Me! I noticed my hair was falling out more frequently, like 150-200 or more a day after the second EC cycle on the antagonist protocol (I had 3 cycles with 225iu -> 275iu ->300iu) My doctors, from NHS and the clinic, both confirmed this can happen because your body was temporarily flooded with estrogen by stim drugs.
It's called telogen effluvium and is triggered by hormones. Apparently you're in a similar state to after giving birth where you can lose hair too, because during pregnancy your estrogen (different type) is high.
I had my iron and liver &thyroid function tested by NHS though, to rule out iron deficiency causing this.