Do you have any plan about how long you can keep trying?
After how many IVF cycles do you plan... - Fertility Network UK
After how many IVF cycles do you plan to give up?

I’ve had 5 failed transfers (6 embryos) and have 4 Frosties. After that I have one cycle left on my programme so depends how many embryos I get from that if I get that far…..
for me it was not so much of a plan / max budget / max number of cycles but more if I felt that I had tried everything and could say I’d have no regrets stopping - that there were no would have / should have / could haves left.
cost was definitely a factor but honestly I probably would have kept taking out loans! For me it was different protocols - i would have kept going until I’d tried them all and there was honestly nothing left I could have tried but didn’t.
I did have success finally on round 5. Ironically it was also the time I woke up one morning and didn’t feel as consumed by it all as I once had been, I actually felt resentful of doing another round (paid for another multi cycle package so had to complete it). I knew then I was ready to stop x
I have changed my mind a few times about this. Everyone goes into this thinking it will eventually work. After cycle three I started thinking I might be one of the people it will never work for and thought one more cycle and then I will move to donor eggs. It took another two more retrievals-so a total of 5 cycles- I finally moved to donor treatment. Just before this I seriously considered giving up all together but decided to keep going as I know I want a baby and if I didn't try donor treatment I would end up thinking "what if.."in the future. I have decided that this will be it after this donor cycle it will be the end. Realistically there will be no more moneyAnd I think I would have tried everything I could do.
I had a plan to stop after 7 ER. Our health insurance covers 6 and I would go abroad for the last one to see if anything was different with a private clinic. We mostly got 1 morula or blastocys per cycle, max 2 (MFI). I kinda gave up already when our 5 cycle (6 transfer) worked and I'm 10 weeks pregnant now.
For me it was 2 x 3 egg collections - 6 cycles in total. When all cycles gave us abnormal embryos and most of them ‘complex abnormal’ I knew we’d hit the end of the road with my OE. TBH I might have carried on but it was the consultant saying it was very very unlikely to work that made us stop.
This is really personal to how much physically and emotionally you can take. For me my 6th attempt was going to be my last and very thankfully worked however I still question whether I still would have given it another go after this….and I know I would have done despite what I said at the time. Do what is right for you xx
In most of case, it would eventually successful if you insist enough, of course, if financially is not an issue. I had 5 cycles, 8 transfers to have my son. For me, at that time, I think I will stop till I have one kid. Basically I will continue when I really cannot (physically or mentally). Everyone is different so you will be the only one to decide when to stop and you will know when you are there. All the best!
I’ve done 7 egg collections and 6 transfers, mostly double transfers, no ultimate success yet. I’m very nearly ready to stop, for my mental health. We have one more EC planned but no more after that. There came a time recently, when I knew that I’ve nearly had enough. Don’t want to have the hope and disappointment cycle anymore, it’s too difficult. Best of luck xx
For me it was more a conversation with my husband (he has already a kid from his first marriage) I knew when I met him that I had infertility issues, we decided to try 2 times Max with my eggs, then 2 Max with donor eggs and the go to adoption. We checked our finance and what we could afford and also the importance (in my case) the age factor, as when I met him I was already in my 40’s.
So every case is different. What it is important is a good communication with your partner and think that what ever you decide to do, you are there to win! Nobody sits down to play a board game thinking will lose. Don’t lose hope, it does not mean you have to keep playing the same board game! You got this!