I was due to start my second cycle mid June but tested positive for Covid yesterday. I’ve been quite unwell with it the last few days and it’s the first time I’ve had it. My husband had it back in March so I’m hoping he won’t catch it again so soon.
I just wondered if anyone knows the latest regarding if it causes any issues with egg quality. I’ve read that it’s 3 months wait for sperm quality. Our clinic mentioned 2 months delay but I’ve read online that you only need to be clear 28 days before starting treatment.
I just feel so fed up having to wait again. I had a miscarriage back in March after a FET and now just feel like time is dragging on and on.
Anyway if anyone has any idea of how long I should wait that would be helpful, as planning the next cycle was the only thing keeping me going! Wishing everyone well on your journeys xxx