Hello all, very useful & supportive group this! thanks in advance for any thoughts.. My partner has hypothyroidism, and takes levothyroxine for it. She had 1st ever IVF transfer (frozen) in November, which became positive but sadly didn’t get past 4 weeks.
Out of curiosity, she asked her GP to test TSH a few days after finding out about the loss and it was 6.65- way above the levels it should be to maintain pregnancy. Originally, she had asked her GP/ fertility doctors to test TSH before transfer, but they didn’t think it was needed (Her last test was in the summer). She thinks this could've been a big error, possibly causing loss of our embryo.
She also read the progesterone and estrogen she was taking for a month can disrupt to thyroid levels?
Just wondered if anyone has experience with this?
For our next transfer, wonder if need to be able to increase the dosage immediately and / or have levels monitored better during treatment and transfer, so her levels won't be able to affect pregnancy.
We've reached out to our hospital anyway (NHS funded), to ask this.
Many thanks for any thoughts or suggestions