Ok this is a hard one to explain... My brother is having a baby now at the end of the month. This news hit me hard. I always thought id be the first one to give my parents a grandchild. Ive been trying to for years but then my brother gf just ended up pregnant by accident.
So when this was announced at xmas after me having a misscarriage and another failed FET..well it hurt.
His gf also has another little girl who my parents dote on...which i totally understand.. i dote on her too. But yeah it can be difficult watching them in the grandparent role with another child that further reminds me i havent been able to give them grandchildren and now i will never be the first to do so.
Recently the little girl has become so jealous of me being around my mum and dad. I think its reaction to the baby almost being here. But she literally told me she hates me and everytime im around my parents she just squeals at me to go and cries and whinges that she doesnt want me near them cause im 'taking her spot'
Its just making me feel even more pushed out of everything. She is always at my parents house so anytime i visit recently i just end up leaving because shes such hard work when im around. Shes even started telling lies to my parents saying that ive hurt her or snatched things off her etc.
I dont really know what to do.. im hurt that she hates me when i try so hard with her, im hurt that my parents allow this behaviour and in the end she gets what she wants and i have to leave. And im hurting that the new baby is coming along soon and i still dont have that either.
Its like this whole other section of my family is being created where im not needed or wanted.
The little girls mum is trying her best, she has asked me to be the babys godmother and she tries so hard to get the other little girl to stop her behaviour but were at a loss and in the end its just easier for everyone if im not there.
Any advice???