just like that, another BFN 💔 - Fertility Network UK

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just like that, another BFN 💔

16 Replies

Sad day today ☹️

Very grateful to have some frozen. Those with endo or implantation failure, what tests did you do before your next transfer, if any?

I’m thinking pgt-a, NK cells and maybe a biopsy to check my lining? I also in two minds about whether to have excision surgery for my endo before we use any more precious blastocysts. It’s all a gamble, I feel like I’m stuck in a constant game of stick or twist!

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16 Replies
HedgehogMad profile image

I'm so sorry Elsidee 😔 I hope you have some space today to care for yourself ♥️I pushed for a lot of tests at each stage and in total have had hysteroscopy, HSG, endometritis biopsy and uterine NK cells, 3D ultrasound, vaginal microbiome, karyotyping of me and hubby, dEFT womb biopsy, thrombophilia blood tests and PGTA testing, ALL of which has come back normal. I've spoken to three other specialists, two of whom specialise in RIF and they were advocates of just keeping putting embryos in. They offer tests but are quite clear that very little of it has much scientific evidence. I've done a lot of research on the evidence for add ons and I know the HFEA is about to update its recommendations. People will have their own success stories but as always it's hard to know whether it was the change they made or whether it would have worked anyway. For what it's worth, the ones I'm glad I checked were: HSG, PGTA, karyotyping, thrombophilia(including antiphospholipid syndrome) and 3D ultrasound, as these have the most evidence for identifying something that treatment may be able to change the outcome for. Sending you so much love today xxx

in reply to HedgehogMad

Thank you so much HedgehogMad - I know your journey has been long and full of heartbreak too.

Thanks for the insights - you’ve basically tested for everything I’ve been looking at! I think the most important things to me are the endometritis biopsy, NK uterine cells and the womb biopsy. In 4 years we’ve never had two lines on a test - so something is definitely a miss, and we can’t afford to just keep paying 2.5k a transfer for it to not work. I’m going to try endometrial scratch too, also hoping a FET is better for my endo maybe.

Interesting to hear about the numbers games after RIF, wondering if we should also bank some more embryos whilst age is still kind of on my side. We have 5 frozen, so not sure.

Going to make a list 🥹

Thank you again, and lots of luck to you in your TWW - hoping this is your time 🤞🏼🤞🏼 xx

HedgehogMad profile image
HedgehogMad in reply to

It's worth having a chat with your clinic to see what they suggest too. Not sure if you have looked at them, but the European (ESHRE) and Canadian guideline for recurrent implantation failure are both freely accessible to look at on the web. If you are willing to sift through the technical terminology they go through the evidence base for each test etc and have summary recommendations on both when to start investigating and which investigations to do. The ESHRE guideline is one I used to help me decide which investigations to push for: academic.oup.com/hropen/art... you scroll down to the figure 2, you can look at the success rates per transfer (untested Vs tested) by age and it gives you an idea of at what point further investigation should be done. It helped me initially not to panic when my first two hatching AA blastocysts didn't stick, as in your case there is a good chance it was just bad luck it didn't stick. Also,a lot of people find that their body does a lot better with Frozen embryo transfers as it has had a chance to settle down from all the stims

(I nerded out and printed off both guidelines and read through them highlighting bits to try and make sense of it all! It just made it clear that so much in the fertility world is poorly understood)xxx

in reply to HedgehogMad

Thank you so so much. I’m going to have a thorough read of this, I’ve taken today off work so going to do some homework and have something to look forward to.

This is only my second transfer but one 5AB and one 5AA hatching blast - so my brain can’t accept it’s just bad luck. Will keep fighting. Thank you again.

Good luck 🤞🏼xxxx

WillowPark profile image

So sorry to read this. I can't help with the testing (although interesting to read as we are starting our fourth attempt with implantation failure each time too) but just wanted to say I'm really sorry. Hope you are looking after yourself today and over the next days and weeks xx

in reply to WillowPark

Thank you WillowPark 🥹 it’s the worst feeling isn’t it - I’m sorry you’ve been through it 3 times. I’m just trying to find the energy to get out of bed 🥲 - must carry on. Good luck with your next transfer xxxx

WillowPark profile image
WillowPark in reply to

Yes absolutely. It takes everything you have to just get out of bed, and then you spend the rest of the day wanting to crawl back into it, pull the cover over your head and shut the world out... It is awful. It does ease though and you find a way to move forward with the world, just maybe not today. Thank you, that is very kind.

JB124 profile image

Hey, so sorry to hear this. Hope you have plenty of support x I’ve had 3 failed transfers, so know the horrible feeling that follows. I don’t have much recommendations to suggest but after my third negative, my consultant did suggest a endometrial scratch. She also added blood thinners (deltaparin) to my protocol to aid implantation. Apart from that nothing much changed for me. I was told to keep trying as I just had only 1 IVF cycle, and your chances may increase the more cycles/transfer you have. I wanted to get my NK cells checked but consultant advised that there’s not much research regarding that area yet, so I didn’t. The article above - ESHRE guideline, I’ve just had a quick read I think it’s defo worth reading. All the best hun xx

in reply to JB124

Hi JB124 - so sorry to hear about your failed transfers too. They’re the worst way to end two weeks of anxiety and symptom spotting 🫠 interesting about NK cells, I definitely am going to pay extra for a endometrial scratch though as I have heard positive results. Did it hurt?

I’m also wondering if double transfer is also an option. It’s taken me 3 egg retrievals to get here so I just want to make sure I’m giving them the best chance. Not sure I have a 4th retrieval in me!

Wishing you lots of luck 🤞🏼🫶🏻

JB124 profile image
JB124 in reply to

The scratch for me was fine, similar to a transfer but instead they just scrape your lining for like 10 secs or so. It was a bit uncomfortable but that’s all. I did feel cramps later on (just like period cramps) but I guess that’s just the healing process.

In terms of double transfer, I was recommended this after my first failed transfer but said no at that time, so continued with single transfers

With my second cycle, I’ve been lucky to get a decent amount of blastocyst therefore decided to do double transfer this time round as I don’t think I can bear so many rounds of heart aches. ( we’ve not tested the embryos yet. Consultant suggested maybe next cycle if it comes to that).

The retrievals are so exhausting isn’t it, I too don’t know how many more I can get through x

Wishing you all the best hun, here if you ever need to chat :) xx

in reply to JB124

Thank you so so much. I always had the impression it would hurt, so good to know it doesn’t. I’ve spent my whole day researching and have a plan I think.

What did the consultant say about testing? Did they give a reason why you shouldn’t test your existing blasts? I have a feeling they’ll say the same to me as they watched them develop with Embryoscope and they’ve said they’re all top/good quality. Expect they’ll say it’s a numbers game.

I really really have everything crossed for you and this transfer x

JB124 profile image
JB124 in reply to

Aw that’s what I tend to do after a terrible negative, I start researching and planning next steps, it defo helps me :)

when I started my 2nd cycle, in my initial consultation my consultant went over my previous cycle and wanted to more focus on making adjustment to my protocol so we can produce more eggs, as overall we were producing ‘really good’ embryos and thought that I just need couple more to increase my chances, however if it didn’t work in this cycle then she would suggest testing. Also I know it is expensive to get them tested so another factor we will need to consider x

I’m sure your consultant will advice you on your follow up, what may be best for you :) (all consultant have different opinions) I’ve had 2 different consultant so far and they are totally different to each other.

I just sometime feel my transfer not worked but trying to stay positive till Friday :) not much I can do really x

All the best hun xxx

Hopewhite profile image

Hi Elsidee, I'm very sorry to read this, make sure to be kind to yourself and do something nice to lift up the spirits xx , this is a very tough process to go through, I hope you have good support around you to help you bounce back from this xx I send you a big hug and wish you all the best of luck xx

I don't have first experience on the tests, however I was recommended the Warwick Implantation clinic in here, it's part of Tommy's , you can self refer, please see link below:


in reply to Hopewhite

Thank you so much and thank you for the link. I’m going to treat myself to an unhealthy dinner and I’m rewatching the entire friends series, so having lots of laughs (between the tears!)

I’m gathering my next plan, so hopefully that’ll give me something to focus on 🙌🏼 xx thank you again x

Hopewhite profile image
Hopewhite in reply to

Sounds like a lovely plan ❤️ anything that helps you get through it x ,hoping your heart mends soon xx sending you love and strength xx

in reply to Hopewhite

Thank you so much ❤️

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