Hi all, I’m currently 10dp5dt and testing on Wednesday. This is our third transfer with donor eggs. The last two failed and we have no reasons why. Went through implantation clinic, biopsy, NK all tested, and all came back normal. This time I feel the same as my last two transfers, same symptoms. Just looking for some hope from someone who has had same symptoms from both BFN and BFP cycles. Literally going out of my mind!
Third transfer - looking for some hope! - Fertility Network UK
Third transfer - looking for some hope!

hi- YES! My cycles were all the same symptoms-wise and only one was positive. I was convinced it hasn’t worked because of no difference in cycles. Best of luck!

Hi YeLlowlove. Oh bless you, it’s a nightmare.are waiting. Just keep up with any preScribed medication and good luck for Wednesday. Diane
I didn’t have any symptoms at all at 4d or all throughout the 2ww. After full 14 days of no symptoms I reluctantly tested - I was so sure it was going to be negative that I put it off to almost 9pm on my otd. It was positive and I am currently 13 weeks with twins! I’d say my symptoms only kicked in about 7 weeks x
Awww congratulations! This is very heartening to hear. Thank you so much for sharing x the wait really is horrendous and I’m also someone who will put off the test until the last minute 😩, hope you’re enjoying your pregnancy x
I know exactly what you mean about the two weeks wait, it’s a torture! I’m sending you all the positive vibes and baby dust! I hope it works for you! But really try not to read too much into the symptoms (or lack of symptoms for that matter!). But I know, easier said than done xx