I am a 44yo woman. My husband and I underwent ivf cycle earlier this year with own egg.
We managed to get 9 eggs and 5 embryo. We had to get them genetically tested and after the long process we have 1 frozen embryo of high quality.
So we were very excited about the next step and we started the preparation for frozen embryo transfer. Unfortunately, I didn’t respond to the oestrogen. And Uterine lining was too thin so doctor didn’t want to go ahead.
We tried again with a much strong dose (6mg of oestrogen+ 2 estrodial patches + 2 estrodial gel. )
Again, it didn’t work. Now we don’t know what to do. Our doctor (clinic in Prague) seems dumbfounded - which is weird. And does not know what to advise.
I wonder if anyone has found themselves in this situation. Any advice ? Any doctor recommendation ?
Thank you in advance