hi everyone, I’m meeting with my doctor next Monday to discuss my failed FET again. Please share any test, medication and tips you did to get pregnant after failed transfers. I’m willing to try anything.
thank you!
hi everyone, I’m meeting with my doctor next Monday to discuss my failed FET again. Please share any test, medication and tips you did to get pregnant after failed transfers. I’m willing to try anything.
thank you!
Hi Vmi. Have a word with the embryologist too. Others will reply I’m sure when back from work. Hope all goes well. Diane
hi lovely, my third FET was my successful one. Sometimes even with the best grades and doing everything right it just doesn’t work. My first two were 4AAs so should have been successful. The only thing I did differently was to get into a different mindset and relax more with the help of an app called “mindful ivf” look after yourself, you are doing absolutely everything you can. Your clinic will help to review everything and make plans for the future xx
Sorry you’ve gone through this. How many cycles and transfers have you had? Do you know the grades of the embryos? How did your fresh cycle(s) go eg fertilisation and progress to blasts? Was lining thickness good? What protocol did you use for FET? What investigations if any have you had so far? We’ll need a bit more info from you to make suggestions and help
Thank you. I had one cycle and 2 transfers. I unfortunately don’t know the grade my clinic doesn’t share information and only tell you so much. I only had 2 frozen transfer because I had OHSS. I did have my 4 eggs that made it to day 6 blastocyst PGA tested. My lining is always I believe was at 9mm. I know they say it’s good. I was on estrogen pills and progesterone in oil shots. I’ve done a ERA, Emma and Alice test and it was normal. I did a Thrombophilia Panel Blood Test and it came back that I was prone to blood clots so I was put on baby aspirin.
for me, after a few failed medicated FETs, what worked was a natural modified cycle, where you’re not on estrogen and you let your body ovulate as normal. My lining was so much better than on medicated FET cycles .
I obviously can’t know if that’s what made the difference - could just have been the right embryo….! 🤷🏼♀️💫☘️🤞
My first medicated FET was successful so we just did exactly the same protocol to try for a sibling and got a BFN. Everything was apparently perfect and a great embryo. My consultant says it may be a genetic issue but his view is that it's all a numbers game (average 1 in 3) and we should just keep going. I've had two early losses and a MMC on fresh transfers so he's been right on his stats for us but it's easier said than done. I'm going to try a natural modified FET next as I ovulate and my lining's good naturally. And I just want a bit of a break from being on so many drugs and hormones.