Hi guys. I’m 33 myself and partner have been ttc 4 years and have had 3 failed rounds of ivf. First round we had 2 morula’s transferred and then 2nd round nothing to transfer and third 2 compacting blastocysts. None have taken. We had our call with fertility doc who said she thinks the same will keep happening as it looks like egg quality so has suggested perhaps looking at donor eggs. I’m happy to look at all options but just feel is 3 failed rounds a bit premature to be giving up on my own eggs. Has anyone else had this or anything like it, or heard of stories? I just need some guidance I guess, I feel absolutely heart broken. I get eggs every round, at least 9 and no one can actually test egg quality. This is all so hard. Also to say I do have low ovarian reserve and have early menopause in my family which is very likely for me. Thank you! X
Advice please : Hi guys. I’m 33 myself... - Fertility Network UK
Advice please

How are your partner's sperm? It does sound like either an egg quality or sperm quality issue or both. Unlike eggs, sperm quality absolutely can be tested and maybe it's worth looking into that thoroughly to make sure you know what's going on with that 50%? x
There's lots of ladies on here who have had success after 4 / 5 + cycles. It's just really difficult physically and financially to keep going / when it's best to switch paths. It's a totally personal decision. Have you done any additional testing? Have they made many changes to your protocol? It can make a big difference xx
Thanks so much for advice. I think we will look into getting the sperm fragmentation test. I just thought it was very quick to advise donor eggs but I think that’s spot on about personal choice. God it’s so difficult!!! Xxxx
Hi. I am with the ladies on this. Low ovarian reserve does not mean poor quality eggs. Since we can’t test eggs, go to next level testing with the sperm. We used examen lab - they will send you the report but you need someone to interpret it. We went to doctor Jonathan Ramsay. He asked hubby to provide sample after 24 hours, 12 hours and 36 hours and for us the best sample we had was the 24 hours. So on next IVF cycle - rather than wait the 3 days etc we will use a sample 24 hours from last ejaculation, lots of other options antibiotics etc. So worth doing that. Also get a copy of blood work and get a second opinion. Piece of mind is so important too... for egg quality worth getting you Testerone and DHEA levels tested and then try DHEA supplement (you need a prescription for this) and can get in the UK. If you need a pharmacy - pm and I will send you the details. Explore all options before you give. The change in protocol and different drugs makes a difference. Ask about a micro dose protocol - my response was best on this after a long protocol and a short one. Hope this helps
Franjohn, I really feel for you. We were in a similar situation and felt our doctor was too slow to recommend donor eggs! We had 4 IVF and a 5th round cancelled (with my eggs) due to poor response. We had x1 cycle with donor eggs but then decided to stop as didn’t feel able to keep going. 4 years on and I still wonder if a 2nd donor egg cycle would have been the one. Tricky, but I guess you have to feel it’s the right thing at the right time for you, and only you know whether you feel ready to move on to donor eggs. Sending you lots of positive thoughts. x
I have low ovarian reserve and only got 4 eggs on my first round of ivf. 1 of those died so had 3. When I started my treatment the dr I saw told me to take a tablet called DHEA 3 tines a day for 3 months, this was to help strengthen egg quality. Now some people don’t think this works but if I go through ivf again I will definitely be using these tablets again and firmly believe they helped me. I got pregnant on my first transfer and now have a 3 year old, and with the same batch I am now 6w pregnant. All 3 eggs got to 5 day blastos. Keep trying with tour own I say and add the DHEA to tour supplements, don’t give up just yet xxx
Ok, thank you so much! That’s reallt helpful. I think I will speak to them about the DHEA tablets xx
I’ve just ordered the supplement! It’s worth a try. Thank you! Xx
We had a terrible first round of IVF, nothing to transfer and our consultant recommended DHEA. Our second round was much better and we had two AA blastocysts (one day 5, one day 6). Our first transfer was unsuccessful. I am now almost 32 weeks pregnant following FET. Can’t be certain it was the DHEA but if we try again, I would definitely take the supplements. We also changed our protocol from long to short and chanced medication to Gonal F.
Best of luck, it is such an emotionally draining journey.
Hiya my sister in law was told exactly the same and has since gone on to have 4 children. On her fourth round IVF she got pregnant with twins and the other 2 were conceived naturally. On the successful cycle she had immune testing and was positive for NK cells and she was treated with intralipid infusions. I'm not too sure if clinics are offering this now because of Covid but definitely worth looking into.
Just to say I've found the book 'it starts with the egg' really helpful for advice about improving egg quality. Similarly to others I also feel that DHEA helped improve my egg quality (I did get my levels tested before I started taking the supplement), along with diet changes and other supplements including Ubiquinol.
Based on my own experience I feel Dr's can be too quick to say there is nothing that can be done to improve egg quality (with various changes I went from 1 blast in my 1st cycle to 6 in my 3rd).
Wishing you all the luck.
That’s great; thank you so much. I actually have not long ordered that book! Xxxx
My third round was my best by far and I think that’s down to DHEA, ubiquinol and melatonin - I did what the book advises! Also have you had your progesterone levels ever tested? This was a game changer for me - being switched from lubion to prontogest bum injections - my 7th transfer was successful x