I am spotting pretty heavy 1.5 days before my 6-8 week (first) ultrasound. I’m trying not to freak out and remain optimistic because things had been going so well and genuinely feeling pregnant. I had no implantation bleed and this is the first blood I’ve seen in months. Please advise. Thanks fam
Spotting at 6-7 weeks pregnant HELP - Fertility Network UK
Spotting at 6-7 weeks pregnant HELP

I would contact early pregnancy unit for a scan spotting can be normal and unfortunately sometimes not normal they will scan you and maybe take bloods to make sure everything’s ok you must be so worried hope it’s all good x
I know how freaky it can be, seeing blood out of the blue like this. Try not to worry, most of the time it turns out ok. Are you cramping at all?If you’re looking taking progesterone, I would up it. Also, lie down as much as you can and no lifting. It’ll be all ok xxxx
Thank u, I’m making a note now to discuss upping progesterone tomorrow. No cramping just anxious lol so anxious
I understand. No cramping is a great sign! You’ll get the answers tmrw at the scan but in the meantime I would pop an extra couple of suppositories if you’re on them or an extra shot if you’re doing it intramuscular. Keep us posted as to how you get on xx
You cant just randomly add more progesterone into your routine 🤔 definitely speak to a doctor first
Taking a couple of extra suppositories will be absolutely fine for one day before going for a scan but yes, in the perfect world, would be best to check with the doctor
Hey! I have had this on and off and read on here somewhere that it may just be where the umbilical cord is attatching. If you aren't getting strong pains then hopefully you will be ok. Good luck x
As long as you feel pregnant that's a good sign. When I lost mine, all of my pregnancy symptoms went away before I started bleeding. Also, I had placenta detachment issues with my living children. That's probably what it is. They might want you to rest for a few weeks.
Good luck with your scan, I truly hope that everything is fine. I don’t know if this will make you feel any better but I started bleeding at 6 weeks and bled right through virtually every two days until 12 weeks. It went from spotting to gushing with golf ball sized clots. The hospital could never work out why. My clinic said they see it in over 60% of their patients. They put me on complete bed rest, laying on my left side for about a month. I’ve now made it to 22 weeks. However, I still panic every time I go to the bathroom. X
Morning. I had this at 9 weeks Of course like you I was worried. We booked a private scan and it put our mind at rest. Take care and rest. Xxx
All the best for your scan this morning xx
Hi lovely, I'm 14 weeks and went to a&e last night due to fresh red spotting, no cramping either. I was expecting the worst. However,turned out to be a tiny rough patch on my cervix that is irritated . I won't say dont panic as I went into FULL panic mode and cried for hours!!
Keeping everything crossed for you! Xxx
I'm now 10 weeks pregnant when I was 6 weeks I bled so heavy I thought I had lost baby I continued to bleed for a whole week my 8 week scan showed baby is fine with a heart beat but I have a large hematoma got my next scan in 2 weeks xx
Alright, fuck. I will essentially be in limbo until Monday. Bleed had nothing to do with baby. However I should be 6.5 weeks and I’m only measuring at 5.5. Structure looks good and fetal pole is strong, my doctor is “hopeful but concerned” and gave my sweet baby a 50/50 chance. I am going to do all I can to stay hopeful and claim I will hear heart beat next Monday.
Sending good thoughts your way. I was told the same for one of mine at 6 weeks. I have twin boys and the doctor said baby B would probably not make it due to slow growth. He was just fine. I'm glad the bleeding wasn't an issue.