I’ve got myself into a panic as my pelvic ultrasound results were sent to me, but I frustratingly don’t have a follow up for a Dr for about three weeks!
The report showed said there was a submucosal fibroid >50% intracavitary of 5mm.
Googling led me to think it would likely need removing with some risks to the uterus involved in the operation. Plus a number of months recovery needed before it would be ready to try to get pregnant.
I was getting ready to start IVF and beginning to feel optimistic about it all, but this has really thrown me and my plans. I really struggle with all the unknowns and lack of control on this all consuming journey for a baby.
I was wondering if any ladies had any experiences they could share?
I’ve been so grateful for the lovely people who reached out with advice and support on this forum in the past - thank you xxx