I everyone! I hope everyone is doing good. I am doing ok..I had my 5 day blastocyst transfer last Wednesday. I had sore breasts,and cramping and still do 9 days after! Is this normal? I took a first response test this morning and it was negative. I'm so sad but still hopeful. Do you think this is too early to test at home? I go in on Monday for my blood test. I feel like crap but I want to stay positive.
Cramping and sore breasts : I everyone... - Fertility Network UK
Cramping and sore breasts

My first symptom before getting a BFP after transfer was sore boobs, started about 4/5 days after transfer. If you’re taking progesterone I know that can cause sore boobs for some people. It’s so hard to know what’s going on as everyone’s body reacts differently to the hormones. I waited until 14 days after transfer to do a home test as that’s our clinics advice. I’d say 9 days does sound a bit early so I wouldn’t count yourself out yet! Best of luck, it’s such a hard time waiting!
It is so hard waiting! I was reading everything and anything I could fine online to see if I was on the right track. I was feeling so down! I cried only twice for not very long and finally just decided to stop worrying so much. It's definitely something that's on myin but I'm not obsessing over it. I haven't tested anymore except the day after my first negative and it was negative again so that's when I decided to stop. My blood test is today.
It is such a difficult wait and I feel we clutch at anything and everything that might give us some kind of answer/make us feel better. I think the best approach I’ve found is to accept that it does just suck and nothing can really change that, and to be as kind to yourself as you can while going through it, and to take it a day (or even an hour if you need to!) at a time. Good luck for today, I hope it’s a positive result for you but if not just know you are strong and will get through it ❤️
All these symptoms can mean a lot of things. Try to tolerate them. Was your bloods done? How did it go?

Hi Tinks. Just keep up with any prescribed medication and keep busy. Good luck. Diane
Thank you 😊 this is exactly what I have been doing. I decided to talk to my Sister about it and I felt a lot better. I had been keeping everything to myself and my Fiancè just says don't worry but I really needed to talk it out with my sister. I felt so much better. This definitely helps to talk to others going through the same.
As hopeful as I was, my test came out negative. I will not give up and I'm definitely going to try and get healthier. I am a little on the heavier side and I feel this plays a big role on everything. I almost feel like I'm not surprised but I still had alot of hope. We have been going through this for the last 2yrs (IVF) but ttc for about 8yrs. My symptoms went away after day 9. Besides cramping. I knew it would be my menses but was hopeful that it was pregnancy. Thank you all for your kind words. I hope everything goes better for everyone else.
So sorry to hear this. The two week wait is torture and the tricks of symptoms are just awful too. Good luck for your next steps but for this week please be kind to yourself xx
Thank you. I am thinking a nice little getaway to the coast for the weekend is on our agenda before we have our upcoming appts again. I should be saving for the meds but we have been so focused on this and spending every last dime on it also that we deserve some time away for a couple of days. I am definitely keeping positive vibes.