Day 7 stims - are these symptoms normal? - Fertility Network UK

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Day 7 stims - are these symptoms normal?

polykleitos profile image
14 Replies

Hello - firstly, I'm really happy to have found this community :)

Next, a question about fertility drugs and symptoms ...

I'm undergoing my first cycle of IVF and I'm on day 7 of stims. Over the past couple of days I've really not been hungry and have had moderate and pretty constant period like pains across my lower abdomen. I'm also a bit bloated but not majorly so and have needed to use the bathroom to poop quite urgently at least once a day.

Are these typical symptoms of the drugs? I'm worried about OHSS but thought that wouldn't be likely to happen until after egg collection?

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polykleitos profile image
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14 Replies

Hi Polykleitos, I have not gone through an IVF cycle yet, due to start on my next cycle but I did have a drug administering and next steps consult today and they did mention OHSS. How she explained it is that they would likely know from the scans before hand (as in before egg collection) if I could be at risk and if so they may reduce medication to reduce the risk, still do egg collection and would suggest a freeze all cycle as a Fresh transfer would be a waste. She did say that a person would know if the were OHSS as they would feel rough, likely would be feeling very bloated, lack of appetite and have pain which could be varying or constant.

So although I can't give you an experience point of view it does sound very similar to what she was mentioning. Do you know what day in your cycle your clinic scan you? If it's not for a few days maybe it's worth calling to explain how you feel.

If it was heaviness/swelling/stretching pain then I would put those down to your ovaries growing due to the amount of follicles being stimulated.

Hope you get some clarification and feeling better soon x

polykleitos profile image
polykleitos in reply to ttcsolomummytobe

Thanks for the comment and sharing what your dr said about OHSS symptoms. My first scan for the cycle is in 2 days’ time. It’s hard to know what to expect with first IVF - especially as the lack of appetite might be down to general IVF anxiety. Will probs call clinic tomorrow and tell them about thé symptoms and see what they advise. Good luck with your first cycle :)

Eloquentia profile image

Hi! Period-like pains and feeling bloated are perfectly normal at this stage of your cycle. I felt quite bloated by the end of mine carrying 22+ follicles. I did develop OHSS around day 5 after egg collection despite being switched to agonist trigger to minimise the risk. The pain and cramps are very distinct and quite strong (much stronger than period cramps), I had to breathe through them. Was told by my clinic to take protein shakes/yoghurts a few times a day to help absorb the excess fluid that was building up. A hot water bottle helped too. The OHSS resolved itself in a few days when my period came. As far as I understand, OHSS after stimulation is usually mild to moderate. The severe one develops if you go ahead and have a transfer, because your HCG doubles every couple of days and makes it worse. Good luck with your cycle and fingers crossed you don't develop OHSS!

polykleitos profile image
polykleitos in reply to Eloquentia

Oh I’m sorry to hear you developed OHSS and that it was so painful :( thank you for sharing tips about yoghurt and protein shakes - I hadn’t heard about that before!

Hiya! I’m on my day 8 stim and I’m feeling exactly how you describe and unfortunately it’s quite common (this is my 3rd cycle). Yesterday I only managed to eat some snacks and protein ice cream as my appetite had disappeared. The bloat is horrid too, I recommend either drinking peppermint tea or buying peppermint oil capsules as it helps alleviate that side effect to a degree. Best of luck to you! I’ve got my first follicle scan today 🤞🏻 x

polykleitos profile image
polykleitos in reply to MyPatronusIsACorgi

oh no, I’m sorry you are feeling uncomfortable too. I’m also grateful for the reassurance that it seems pretty normal . Best of luck with your cycle xx

Dinobaby05 profile image

Hello! I had my first egg recovery last Monday and I had every symptom you described in the lead up to it. I also was told I had some fluid in my abdomen in the last few days before the procedure which is indicative of OHSS but it seemed to sort itself out and we had a successful recovery. Some symptoms did continue for 3/4 days afterwards but I’m feeling much better now. Just remember to look after yourself and rest up. I was also told to drink lots and lots of fluids and eat high protein products to help reduce risk of symptoms getting worse. However, because of all this, we had to do a freeze all which I was initially upset about but now I think it’s better to give your body time to heal and prepare for the next stage in treatment. Try not to worry too much, your clinic will monitor you closely and keep you right. Take care xx

polykleitos profile image
polykleitos in reply to Dinobaby05

thank you for sharing your experience - I’m glad the fluid seemed to sort itself out even if you needed to take the « freeze all » option as a precaution. Good luck with your next stage of treatment xx

AshleyJB profile image

Hello 👋 I did my first round I'm March and about to start my second round tomorrow! What you're experienced I'd say is pretty normal. As you get further into the stims I'd say the symptoms are (for me anyway) bloating, constipation and mild cramping and/or tenderness in your abdomen. Not to be too graphic but I remember saying a day or two before egg collection it felt a bit like the day before your period, needing a poo and that you've eaten the biggest meal ever all at the same time. My clinic told me that it was really important to keep pooing throughout the stims so try fibresure, califig, stool softeners and if they don't work over the counter glycerin suppositories. Being constipation during the stims and after egg collection is the worst bit!

This was just my experience though, I'm sure everyone has different experiences.

Lots of luck to you! x

polykleitos profile image
polykleitos in reply to AshleyJB

good luck for your next round! Thank you for replying and for the reassurance and tips :)

StarsAllAround profile image

Hi I have had a few rounds of IVF, I had the period like pains each time and got more and more bloated each day as my follicles got bigger. The drugs also made me more emotional I had a shorter fuse and was easily upset the more I took. Good luck with your cycle.

polykleitos profile image
polykleitos in reply to StarsAllAround

The bloat is definitely more noticeable this morn. I hear you on the part about it affecting you emotions. I feel constantly tearful even though I’m quite happy to have finally started the IVF process.

StarsAllAround profile image
StarsAllAround in reply to polykleitos

Just make sure you are kind to yourself and keep talking to your partner. I made the mistake on my first round of not talking about how I was feeling with my husband just bottled everything up got super annoyed with him instead was not good! X

Pipidugacarapa profile image

normal. I had looots of bloating, cramping, started 5 days after starting stimulation. I was giving myself shots first 5 days but then it became too painful and hubby had to do it. Towards the end (I had 12 days of stims 🫣) he even had troubles giving me shots because my tummy was so bloated that it was hard to push liquid in 😬 I felt super pregnant days leading to egg retrieval. I had lots of follicles, they were keeping me 2 days longer to give chance to some of them to mature (that were close) and when they told me to trigger I felt relieved! But- after trigger you get even more bloated 😂 anyhow, my ovaries were size of grapefruit according to doctor, my estrogen super high, I triggered only with Lupron (no bHCG) due to high risk of OHSS, had 20 eggs retrieved, 16 made to day 3, 10 to day 5 so all the troubles were definitely worth it. I drank lot of coconut water, and you’re lucky that you can go to toilet, I had to take stool softener (colace) because all the hormones made me constipated 😅 try to be relaxed and rest as much as you can, days 8-12 were like like torture for me, I felt better after egg retrieval and I didn’t have problems with OHSS (I had just mild one and felt great one week after egg retrieval when my bleeding started). Good luck and hang in there!

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