Today after I sent my doctor my HCG numbers, he said they were not good and that I needed to go for an emergency ultrasound. He said if I wasn't feeling well I needed to go right away, so I went to the pregnancy ER. Strangely, at the hospital they thought my numbers were okay, but then we did an ultrasound and she said she couldn't see anything in the sac. She said she couldn't tell me if it was a miscarriage or if everything was fine and it was just too early. She had my information, that it's three weeks after the transfer.
first HCG at 12dp5dt = 309
2nd HCG at 14dp5dt = 785
3rd HCG at 21dp5dt = 4,457
I don't know why my doctor thought those numbers were so alarming. He was worried about an ectopic I think.
Since I am now 5w3d, I feel like we should have been able to see something. I am 90% sure this is probably another miscarriage.
Anyone have any experience like this?