Hi all,
I hope any of you smart people may be able to give me an opinion on my current situation. After a FET (7th of july) with a 3BB embryo i got a positive with a high beta of 679 mui / l on 11 DPT. 1777 13 DPT, 14.497 18 DPT, and today being 5 weeks and 6 days i went for my first ultrasound before departing 3 weeks on holiday.
I have a large developed sac for 5+6, and the doctor struggled to find embryo or yolk sac.
Is this normal? Am i expecting an anembryonic pregnancy here? It will be 3 long weeks of holiday with rapidly rising HCG.
In the picture with the arrow, my doctor told me, this could be yolk sac and embryo but he couldn't confirm. What are your thoughts?
He struggled to see anything with transvaginal ultrasound and had to move to abdominal ultrasound.
I am really starting to loose hope with this IVF process.
2 pictures: 1 with blue arrow - potential something + a little bleed & 1 picture without arrow which was the general view he could find. (in comments)
Should i prepare myself for another miscarriage?
Thank you.