Hi all just looking for some reassurance and experience with egg retrieval apparently I will be awake for the process but will be given something to relax me. I have attached my results of my last scan (yesterday) which was day 11. Are these any good? Could the 11,12 and 13 catch up I did my triggour last night? I’m 29 with low amh and unexplained fertility - Thank you xx
egg retrieval tomorrow morning!! 6:4... - Fertility Network UK
egg retrieval tomorrow morning!! 6:45am SCARED AND NERVOUS
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Hi!! Im sorry I'm not sure what the numbers mean but I do know that I was scanned on the Monday with a couple good follicles & then by the Wednesday they had managed to collect 19 eggs! I just remember the nurse telling me not to worry because the scan won't show the affects of the injection I'd taken that morning! In reassurance of the actual egg collection I was really lucky & I don't remember a thing, they popped the drugs in my hand and then I just remember walking up! I just kept topping up on paracetamol after leaving & stuck to clinic advice of taking it easy! Good luck for tomorrow 🍀❤️
hey lovely thank you so much for responding they are the sizes of my eggs day 11 (yesterday) convinced myself I won’t get 1 mature egg I know it sounds pathetic but I’ve just never done this before and none of my family or friends no. We are having ISCI too so fingers crossed some fertilise. Do you know what is classed as an ‘ok amount’ for retrieval I know everyone is different? Thank you 💕🤞🏻💕🤞🏻
It totally doesn't sound pathetic, ivf does strange things to our heads! Those numbers do look really good though ( now I know what they mean hahaha) I don't know about good figures for egg retrievals but there's so many story's of people only getting a couple & it's worked for them! Just need 1 to make it to day 5 that's what I kept telling myself when we went through that stage🤞🏻❤️
Hi , I don't have any experience but just wanted to say I also have my egg collection in the morning after taking the trigger shot, I'm feeling the same! xx
Hi, egg collection is usually sedation and you’ll hopefully not remember a thing ☺️ If the numbers are the size of your follicles on each ovary I’d say you have responded really well, especially with low AMH! The smaller ones could still grow by collection. Good luck 🍀🤞✨💗
You’ll be fiiiiiiiine. I was terrified before the first one but it was absolutely fine. Second time, I wasn’t scared at all because it was all absolutely fine the first time. And I’m scared of everything ha! I wasn’t being brave, it was just nothing to be scared about. Sedation is 👌 X
Hi, good luck for egg retrieval. I would say you've had a very good response for low AMH, this would be my dream as a fellow low AMHer. The 13 mm may catch up, not sure about the 11s and 12s but you have a good bunch of great size follies nonetheless x
ahh thank you I hope I haven’t came across ungreatful I just really don’t know and second guessing everything when you see women saying 30 eggs collected etc it’s so daunting xxx
Best of luck tomorrow, the process is fine and doesn't take long and you will be well looked after, tell them you are nervous too and they will talk you through things in more detail.The smaller ones could easily have a little growth spurt so you stand every chance, I had one grow by 5 and another by 4 in two days (these were the lead/slightly bigger ones though). Looks like you have responded well on both ovaries and should have a fair few collected, hope all goes well for you xx
best o luck for egg collection tomorrow, it can feel nerve wracking going into it all, I'm sure we have all felt anxious at one stage or another.
They will look after you and the sedation helps you relax, I fell asleep at my first egg collection and didn't remember a thing, the next two I was awake but so did not feel pain. all the best xx
all the best of luck! You’ll be fine 🤞🏼🤞🏼, I was also scared to the unknown but the sedation really knocks you out !
I remember they put it on my hand and I felt like going down a rollercoaster, the next thing I remember is waking up back in the recovery room ! They’ll have you there for like another 20 min. They’ll give you something to eat and then send you home ! In my case I felt fine and even walked back home (I don’t live far).
Regarding the eggs, you have loads of good size already, they do keep growing so hopefully more will have matured for tomorrow. I had only 6 mature on the scan day and they explained it was quality over quantity, they said from experience the ones that developed first have good chances to be of good quality so they prefer not to risk those waiting for others to catch up.
I hope it all goes very well , best of luck in your journey xx
Hi, your follicle size and numbers look very promising. I'd say you will get minimum 6-7 retrieved based on what a can I see. With the trigger shot you may get more but very tricky to predict as everyone is different and every cycle is different. Best wishes, please keep us posted x
all the best for the next few days. Remember quality over quantity (as I found out!) and that good old saying…it only takes one ❤️
Good luck lovely, those numbers look great. I was really worried before but honestly it's fine, you probably won't remember anything!Re follicle count, my clinic said you'll never get all maturing at the same time, they aim to get the main cohort a similar size and there will always be a few outliers either too big or too small. My first EC I had far fewer eggs but made more embryos and better quality, so quality is much more important than quantity xxx
hi all just wanted to keep you all updated if any are interested. 8 have fertilised this morning 5 didn’t make it from the 13. I know so much can change at this point I’m booked in for a transfer Monday @ 2:30pm hoping it stays that way. I will be called Saturday morning (day 3) with an update and grading. What’s everyones thoughts? I would be so so happy if we could get 1 of course but 2 blastocysts I would be happy with by day 5 hopefully more. First time getting to this point, the wait is gruelling but hopefully I don’t hear anything now until Saturday morning 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Hi, 8 fertilised is really good. My clinic says around 50% drop off from day 3, so you may still get quite a few blasts by Monday. I'm confident that you will get at least 3 blastocysts by day 5 (Monday). As it's your first cycle it's difficult to predict. So many factors. Best wishes and definitely keep us posted with the update on Saturday x
thanks lovely will do. Really struggling today feel so ungreatful as if someone would of told me weeks ago my results at this stage I thought I would be estatic but I feel nothing but pure fear and sadness, ivf and hormones I suppose xx
I totally understand, IVF is unfortunately mentally draining but equally it can be exciting even with the uncertainties. Best wishes 💝