I don't really know what my purpose is for posting this. I'm currently 4w6d pregnant from an FET high quality blastocyst. My HCG numbers were good, and so my doctor just told me to test HCG again this coming Friday, three weeks after the transfer, and that I would have the first scan one week after that.
I don't want to waste so much time googling random things. There really isn't anything to "do" and so I don't know what to do with myself. I don't know if I am going to have a baby or not and it's a very confusing time. My husband is working in another country at the moment so I am by myself.
I am 44, although this blastocyst was made right before I turned 43, so I guess the odds should be factored for a 42 year old. But this is really my last chance of having a child that is genetically related to me. I am not opposed to donor eggs, but I don't know if I will go that route or not, either if this ends up being my first child and I want another down the road, or if I lose this pregnancy like I did in previous instances and want to try again at a future date.
Before I got the positive, I had almost convinced myself that it would be for the best if it was a BFN. I know that sounds crazy in a forum like this, but I had taken a year off from treatments and felt more at peace with not becoming a mother. I did not want to feel devastated if it didn't work, even though I had been trying to get pregnant for the past seven years and never had had any doubt that I wanted to be a mother.
I had not taken a home pregnancy test in YEARS. The clinics here in Europe all tell you to do HCG tests and so the home tests seemed amateurish to me, so much uncertainty, so little information. And yet I could not bear to get more bad news in an email from the lab, which is how they tell you. You get an automatic email with your results in an attachment. So I did a home pregnancy test this time and couldn't believe it when the two lines showed up. My HCG was strong with the first test and more than doubled two days later, so my doctor thought things looked good so far. But of course I have to wait for the next test, and then the scan.
It's just hard to know what to do with myself while I wait, and I know that the wait will keep going. I think I'll probably still be in doubt until at least week 20, if I get that far, and that will not be until September!
I am very afraid of going to the scan and there being no heartbeat, as happened with one early loss where the numbers did not climb, or that everything will look good, strong heartbeat, and then I'll have another later loss, as happened with my daughter.
I told one friend that I am pregnant and she was like "be positive"—I really don't think people understand the risks, they don't think it will happen to you, they don't take it seriously.
I guess just posting because some people on here know how I feel.