I need some advice desperately. I had an egg collection Friday where they got one egg. I am now due an embryo transfer tomorrow at 10am but my stomach has bloated so bad I feel like I have swallowed a whole watermelon and I have pain coming from my ovaries.and pelvic area.
I am so worried this will affect my embryo transfer success and that I might have mild OHSS. I have no one to contact as the clinic is closed!
I know OHSS is very unlikely as I only had two follicles but I had stims in March twice as I ovulated at egg collection for one cycle at the start of March and then my next cycle at the end of March was a cancelled cycle. So I don’t know.
Also I had a long walk yesterday as was told to get moving to help blood flow before the transfer so now I am scared I over did it as I was climbing stairs and went up a really big hill and I definitely pushed myself to much.
Just need some advice as going crazy with worry as with one embryo I don’t want to ruin my chances and this bloating and soreness doesn’t feel right.