I was on a webinar tonight and the clinicians were talking about contacting their patients a week into the two week wait etc. I was left to my own devices even after a a negative pregnancy test. Has anyone gotten good care like this in their clinic?
care from your clinic?: I was on a... - Fertility Network UK
care from your clinic?

Nope, I got nothing even after a BFN. Gosh what a nice thing that would be to get some support during the 2ww xx
omg that’s awful. We were contacted in the tww and had a meeting after the results. If it was negative they said on the phone to contact when we were ready to come in. We went 4 days later. Positive we were in the next day xxx
We have been with two clinics and have never heard from either post transfer - you were on your own until you reported some news. Once I never bothered to report a BFN and no one even followed up! x
I had one round in a smaller clinic and in fact they did call me halfway through to see how I was doing, I totally forgot until I read this message! But I don't think it's the norm.
When I did my round in Spain and had a client liaison they checked in with me much more regularly around that time and sent some advice written down etc. But nothing crazy.
I am always offered a call but can chose not to have it x
Goodness no, and if you had a problem during the 2WW it was a case of endlessly ringing them until someone answered usually a day or 2 later. After a bfn we’d have a follow up booked for 6 weeks later and if it was a bfp they’d send a letter inviting you to a viability scan at the EPU. There was zero emotional support clinic wise but they did have a wonderful counsellor.
The endless trying to get hold of someone when there was a problem very nearly put me off trying to have a sibling. It was the most stressful part of the whole process and gives me anxiety just thinking about it. Crazy to think some clinics actively contact you! Xx
I always paid privately and I never got an email/ call. These are renowned clinics!
Nothing at all - took them over three months to offer a follow-up call after my first loss. This time I rang them a couple of times after my BFP between OTD and first scan as I was worried things weren't right, and they basically told me to stop being anxious and wait it out (wrong advice, potentially even dangerous). I find it incredible that they can just wash their hands of you post transfer and offer no after care. I went to a private sonography place in the end - they were wonderful, really sensitive and informed, and referred me straight to the EPU.
our clinic call (if we want them to) at 7dpt but not after test day…. I have stopped opting for it as it didn’t help me much even if I was bleeding etc they just say ‘keep going with the meds and test on test day’ so I can just tell myself that now lol xx
Hi, I believe I was on the same webinar and used to be a patient at the clinic the lady was from. I had 4 cycles with them and had no contact from them at all during the 2WW, it could be something they have just recently introduced though. I’m still going through embryo banking with my new clinic but no idea if they make any contact during the time. X
I’ve had no contact either.
Following my last transfer I was told that they would call me to check in … nothing. Nothing after my mmc or bfn xx
My clinic has very poor patient care but it also has other clinics so we transfered to Canterbury and the service there is completely different so friendly you see the same nurse and consultant every time regular check ins hard to believe its the same clinic as London... even when I had my hgc Bloods done on Friday my consultant took time on her day off (saturday) to phone and give me the results and made sure my husband was there with me as she shouted congratulation guys... honestly crazy how 2 clinics the same but different area can be so different xx
Yes I had a nurse call me halfway through and I was a bit concerned about being bloated and pains. She went off to speak to a Dr and came back and told me that it all sounds like it was going in the right direction and to bring forward my test date. It was really reassuring and lo and behold I was pregnant with my son. They also couldn't have been more lovely after my bfp and they posted out a nice card and scan pictures after my 6wk scan.
We did, a little message to say they understand how challenging the time could be and hoped we were doing well x
No I never got any calls. After a negative I just got a letter saying they wouldn't fund me again. I asked to arrange a follow up and was given a telephone appointment for a month after, it was if by having me in their clinic I would infect the other patients with my negative pregnancy result. xx
I had no contact and even when it was bad news on the 7 week/8 week scan when I was told to stop meds and miss carry. The nurse said I will ring you on Monday this was Friday to check in on you etc and no one ever called! I called them two weeks later. But I have my little miracle from this clinic and they were amazing! It’s been taken over by someone else.
I've had treatment in 2 different clinics in the UK neither contacted me during the two week wait. 1st clinic weren't even bothered when I called then to say it was a BFN and then just tried to pressure us into more expensive treatment without even discussing failed cycle. Second clinic offered counselling when we called to say we had a BFN then called back 2 days later to check how I was doing and said just to contact when ready for a consultation to discuss failed cycle and options. Our consultation was really helpful and the changes we put in place for next round gave us our miracle baby.
Interesting.. the clinic from abroad did keep in touch via emails. The nhs clinic said they would call but I don't really remember them calling. The admin always sent a standard letter after a negative result.