9 week scan and all well. Bean has grown so much in 2 weeks and was even moving. A few tears have been shed! Not bad from our 4-3-2-1 story! 4 eggs, 3 fertilised, 2 made it to blastocyst and transferred and 1 little fighter has made it π Never give up on your hopes and dreams!xx
Discharged from our IVF clinic! - Fertility Network UK
Discharged from our IVF clinic!

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OMG this is such a clear scan photo! Can see baba's little hands and feet!! Brilliant - so happy for you xxx
Wow, congratulations, wishing you all the best xxx
Absolutely beautiful honey xx
So happy for you! How exciting
Oh Louise I've just shed a tear myself reading this!!! I'm so happy for you lovely, enjoy every moment and please keep us updated xxx
Congratulations x Great news for you both x
Great news congratulations xxx
Such a fabulous post Louise. Congratulations. Thanks for posting. Xx
Lovely news! Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. x
Always lovely to hear a happy story.... Congratulations x
i am discharged too - have a midwife appointment with my local midwife on the 24th which will be my 9 weeks 2 days.. hoping i get another scan then.... very worried that all will suddenly end... probably unnecessarily paranoid but can't help it!! so happy for you.
Fantastic news.. Congratulations π xx
Beautiful exciting times ahead β€ππ
Beautiful, all the best xoxo
Wonderful! Great scan pic and congratulations! x
What lovely love news x
Brilliant news π xx
Congratulations x
Great news, chuffed to bits for you!xx

Hi louisear. Looking brilliant! Hope you've met your midwife by now. Wishing you well with the rest of your pregnancy. Just think you are just about a quarter of the way through already! Diane
It's an old post if you look at my whole story. I miscarried at 14 wks