This is my first post but I’ve found all the feeds so helpful. So I wondered if anyone has advice on my situation - I’ve had egg collection with 4 embryos frozen. We were advised to do PGT-A testing because I’m 42 and have never conceived. 3 embryos were taken to testing.
We got the results today and it wasn’t good news. They only tested 2 as one wasn’t of good enough quality. The 2 they tested came back abnormal. So now we have to decide whether to attempt FET with one of the remaining 2, which are of poorer quality anyway. Do we go ahead with FET knowing the chances are low, or try for another cycle and egg collection? It’s so hard to know what to do for the best. I’m finding all the information so overwhelming and it’s like learning a new language. So any advice is so gratefully received. Thank you. X