as someone who has been on this journey for a lonnnnng time I wanted to just write a few things.
We have been ttc for 12 years
Ivf for 5 years
5 transfers and a number of cancelled cycles, nothing to transfer cycles, didn’t defrost cycles. We, after moving to donor are finally on our path. Not there yet though.
I read so many posts about testing and what you’re feeling in the 2ww and honestly please please don’t go down the google path. It will lead to nothing more than a mind f**k.
everyone is completely different, every pregnancy/embryo is different. What you are or aren’t feeling during the 2ww is completely individual. If you dwell on each feeling I swear it will be the longest 2 weeks ever.
As for testing if you can ….. don’t. It honestly leads to so much more heartache. Even if it is a positive sitting looking at different days tests to work out if it’s darker will only lead to you losing your mind. If your beautiful little embryo is going to implant … it will.
His journey is so hard. It’s important to know that you are not alone. You are strong brave and amazing.
You’ve got this xxx