2nd failed IVF -38 year old female - ... - Fertility Network UK

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2nd failed IVF -38 year old female - Tell me there is hope!

Anoncasper profile image
27 Replies

Hello everyone,

I had my OTD on the 24th and it was negative after my FET on the 10th. I also had a fresh embryo transfer last year which also failed.

Has anyone over the age of 38 had success with IVF?

I have PCOS but have an abundance of eggs (the docs have told me this) so that’s not the problem.

I’m really worried that future cycles wont work too.

I have one frosty left and one more cycle. I’m losing all hope 😢

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Anoncasper profile image
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27 Replies
PrincessGurn1984 profile image

Hey! I’m 38 and a half and I’m 21 weeks pregnant with our IVF baby. In the past 18 months we had 3 egg collections, and 5 transfers, 6 embryos (transferred 2 on the last transfer) - I have good AMH but low follicle count so only get 2 or so blasts on each egg collect. It really is a case of keep rolling the dice and it’s disheartening but obviously amazing when you see people get pregnant first try but honestly I think that’s the minority. I’ve read on so many platforms that on average it can take 5/6 transfers to have success, so don’t give up hope yet! Keep rolling the dice and eventually you will win 🥰

Bed12 profile image
Bed12 in reply to PrincessGurn1984

hi princessGurn, may ask if you changed your protocol at all? Or any additional testing? I’ve had three failed FETs with good quality embryos (tested) and am a little unclear as to what the next step should be. Have had a hysteroscopy which was all clear. What made you decide to transfer two embryos on the last one? I have only transferred one in my FETs and my clinic prefers one but I’m considering to push for two next time.

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to Bed12

This last egg collection I did that worked I totally changed my protocol from the other two egg collections. I think that had a massive impact on our egg quality and result. Not just the drugs that changed but I started stims on day 2 of my period also whereas the other ones I started on day 3. I think my body responded better to these meds also that I was on. I’ve never had any additional tests done, I really am a firm believer in that one will stick when it’s the right quality blast, even though at the time I felt like ‘ why won’t they even implant at all ‘

As we had done 4 transfers with none sticking at all, on the fifth transfer we decided to do a double transfer because it would be highly unlikely that both would have stuck based on all the other previous transfers failing. If both had stuck we would have been happy with twins but equally there is research that by transferring two one might spur the other one on, I believe it’s called ‘embryo assistance’ I think as it can give you a surge. I honestly felt like it would never work and felt massive age/time pressure but something in me just would not give up, I wouldn’t let it ‘beat us’ and here we are now. My friend said to me once ‘ you never feel like it’s going to work until it actually does ‘ and she was so right! X

Bed12 profile image
Bed12 in reply to PrincessGurn1984

thank you for replying, really helpful xx

Anoncasper profile image
Anoncasper in reply to PrincessGurn1984

Thank you for this.

Your reply fills me with hope!

I hope your pregnancy is going well and continues to do so 🥰 xx

Newbies1 profile image

Hi, I’m 39 and previously had two failed transfers (1 x fresh and 1 x Fet which was a chemical) I took a break from IVF and done the EMMA/ALICE/ERA test this shown I had very little good bacteria and I needed a full 24 hours extra progesterone before transfer. I did a course of antibiotics followed by probiotics then had extra day progesterone before transfer. This seemed to make the difference as I’m currently 16wks pregnant and praying everything continues to go well. Please don’t give up sounds like your AMH is really good I would consider the EMMA/ALICE/ERA test before your next fet so you can rule out any potential issues which could effect implantation. Wish you all the luck in the world if you have any questions please feel free to message me. Big hugs xxx

Anoncasper profile image
Anoncasper in reply to Newbies1

Thank you so much for this Newbies1 and congratulations on your pregnancy! 🥰

How are things going?

Can you remember the probiotics that you took? Would they be harmful to take if I havent had the tests? I have read that we cannot get EMMA/ALICE testing in scotland which is dissapointing. Did you have to travel for yours? xx

Newbies1 profile image
Newbies1 in reply to Anoncasper

hi anoncasper

I had my tests done at my own clinic so was fortunate that I didn’t have to travel far. I took canesflor which you can buy over the counter or on Amazon. I have read here that a lot of clinics have recommended a course pre transfer without the biopsy just in case there is an issue with good bacteria levels. The ERA test though which times the correct time to transfer can only be done via the biopsy though, they give you the same medication you would have for a frozen transfer then do the biopsy on the day you would normally have the transfer and this is then sent away for testing. Mine came back pre receptive and shown I needed an extra 24 hours progesterone before transfer which was quite significant Hope this helps take care and wish you all the luck in the world on your journey xxx

Anoncasper profile image
Anoncasper in reply to Newbies1

Thank you! this helps massively!

I hope your pregnancy continues to go well. All the best xxx

Bomboncita profile image

There is hope. I'm 43, 14 weeks and had all sort of circumstances against me. Took 5 attempts.

Anoncasper profile image
Anoncasper in reply to Bomboncita

Awww this is wonderful news!! Congratulations Bomboncita! I hope your pregnancy is gping well xxx

Twiglet2 profile image

hi I’m so sorry this one hasn’t worked 😢 it’s sounds like you have actually only had one round of IVF (egg collection and any subsequent eggs fertilised) but made a few embryos from that round so have had a few transfers from the one round and still one left. That in itself is a really good sign and start. I was in a similar position at your age and did my 3rd transfer at 39 (even though I made the embryos at age 38) which was successful- remember you might be ageing but your frozen embryo isn’t so don’t worry about age too much the hard part has already been done as you have one wee frosty left and even if you need to go for another egg collection at 39 there’s still a good chance 🤗 and loads of ladies have success. From my experience and people I have spoke. With I think It’s actually really lucky if the first couple transfers take (I came in to IVF thinking it would work a LOT quicker!) and for most people on here it can take a few transfers to find the one, especially for those of us not testing the embryos too. Ask lots of questions of your consultant and if there are more tests they can do to see why implantation might not be happening but sometimes it is a case of trial and error with IVF I’m afraid and hopefully that last wee frosty is your lucky one 🤗 xxx

Anoncasper profile image
Anoncasper in reply to Twiglet2

Thank you so much for your reply Twiglet2. 🥰 Congratulations on your pregnancy too! Have you had your baby yet/have long to go?

So i've had 2 egg collections. The first collection resulted in one failed fresh transfer with no embryo's frozen. The second egg collection had to be frozen due to my risk of OHSS. I managed to get 2 frosties from that, one of which has just failed on the 24th of this month. I still have 1 left plus one more round of egg collection.

I did come into the process thinking it would be easy but boy was I wrong! I'm not even sure if the NHS do testing or if they just keep trying with the embryos.

Can I ask what supplements you took, if any, please? I've read about probiotics and lots of different other things to take that will help. It can be a bit confusing. xx

Kitkat10 profile image

Yes, I was 40, had 3 eggs retrieved and 1 fertilised to make a 5AA embryo which became my now 1 year old baby boy. It was my third cycle and I never had anything to freeze so you are way ahead of me and all the signs are very positive. It’s a brutal journey but it really does just take the right egg to come up and most people take 2-3 cycles for success. Keep going, stay strong, you are doing so well and I wish you all the luck x 🍀

Anoncasper profile image
Anoncasper in reply to Kitkat10

Hello Kitkat10, thank you for your reply and lovely wishes. That’s such wonderful news about your baby boy and encouraging that it can happen for me too.

It is a very brutal journey, very emotional too.

Can I ask if you took any supplements except folic acid? Xx

Kitkat10 profile image
Kitkat10 in reply to Anoncasper

hi, vitamin D as well but that was because I was deficient x

Anoncasper profile image
Anoncasper in reply to Kitkat10

I'm pretty sure the pre pregnacare supplements have this in it too. Thank you xx

Candlewax3 profile image

Hi hun, I’m 37. I lost both my tubes but all other factors are good for us so there was no reason for ivf to be complicated. Still took 6 full cycles before seeing our first BFP after changing clinics for this last round. Currently 10 weeks and terrified 🫣 but please don’t give up hope x

Anoncasper profile image
Anoncasper in reply to Candlewax3

A massive congrats on your pregnancy! You have been through a rough time by the sounds of it.

I hope your pregnancy is going well and your little miracle is born safe and sound. Enjoy the beautiful journey ❤️❤️

Countrychic profile image

I had two failed rounds and fell pregnant at 38 following our third attempt. I then fell pregnant naturally at 39 when our little boy was only 8 months old. I know a few people who have had healthy babies both via IVF and naturally into their 40’s following significant fertility challenges. There is plenty of hope. I remember nurses/consultant saying to me that 38 is young in terms of IVF and that they were optimistic even though I had a poor response to medication. Best of luck 🍀

Anoncasper profile image
Anoncasper in reply to Countrychic

Hello Countrychic,

Congrats on your beautiful babies!

I'm so pleased that 38 is still considered as young in IVF. I have always thought that once you hit 35 your chances of conceiving we dramtically reduced.

Even better that the possibility of conceiving naturally can still occur.

Thank you so much for your message and kind words! xx

Axel131 profile image

Hi Anoncasper, I had success on my 3rd IVF at 43 and a good IVF result at 44 with 3 good quality embryos (just had a FET) so don't stress about your age. I did take quite a few supplements, CoQ10, prenatal with folate, Omega 3 and Vit D but on my last IVF I was advised to try Myoinositol as I had high AMH for my age and this seemed to make a good difference with the embryo quality. Cycles can differ a lot even in consecutive months so keep the faith!

Anoncasper profile image
Anoncasper in reply to Axel131

Hello Axel31,

Thank you for letting you know about your supplements. I'm going to bring all of these up with my consultant and see what they say. Surely they can only help and not hinder?!

Your experience had made me feel better! Hopefully my little miracle isnt too far away. xx

Eloquentia profile image

Hi! I am 39 with PCOS. Did stimulations last year at the age of 38, one failed FET and one that is sticking, touch wood. Stay positive. Good luck!

Anoncasper profile image
Anoncasper in reply to Eloquentia

Awwww congrats on your little sticky!!

I'm trying my best to stay positive. I hope all goes well with your pregnancy xxxx

Marisa32 profile image

Yes, there is time. I had a baby at 42. My AMH was non-existent. It was so low that IVF wasn't helpful because no amount of stims could make my body produce more than 1 follicle/egg per cycle. Doctors wrote me off and sent me for DE treatment. I was awaiting DE transfer when I fell pregnant naturally with what I like to call MY LAST EGG! You can do it! Hang in there.

Anoncasper profile image
Anoncasper in reply to Marisa32

Hello Marisa,

This is wonderful news! Huge congrats on your natural miracle!! xxx

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