egg collection - oestrogen level over... - Fertility Network UK

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egg collection - oestrogen level over 14000

21 Replies

Hey all! I had my last scan and bloods today and egg collection confirmed for Wednesday- nervous and excited! They have told me due to high follicle (23) and oestrogen (14,780) levels it will be a freeze all and I’m at serious risk of OHSS… if we are lucky enough to get embryos I really wanted to go with a fresh transfer! Any thoughts the levels. Are the clinic being extra cautious could I push for a fresh?

Also what’s looked at for FET? Is it just womb lining or is it also hormone levels too?

Sorry to sound ungrateful I know I’m in an overall positive position - just unsure what I can insist on or not! 🙈

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21 Replies
Skittles11 profile image

If they are saying you are at "serious risk" of OHSS and it "will be a freeze all" I think they have made the decision already that this is the course of action they will be following. You can always share your preferences with your clinic but my personal thoughts are that this is what is safest for you. You have identified that you are in a fortunate position and that is true, waiting a month really isn't the worst thing so the best thing you can do is try and accept it so as not to cause extra worry. I don't have personal experience of OHSS though so to be fair I do have less insight than others who may be able to share experiences and knowledge xx

in reply to Skittles11

thanks, I think you’re right - I’m just being impatient. From reading the comments it’s defo best option! Thanks for the support x

Best of luck with your journey!

Joeysjourney profile image

As a chronic sufferer of high oestrogen, I sympathise! It's very frustrating but it really is for the best. High oestrogen can hinder implantation and post implantation development as well as possible problems throughout any pregnancy. Best to listen to the experts, annoying as it is!

Good luck with your collection, sending you lots of baby dust x

in reply to Joeysjourney

thanks! Youre right I just need to calm it down I just want everything to happen now 🙈! I’m trying to focus on one step at a time and I need to pull back and pray I get some embryos to begin with! Thanks so much x

Best of luck with your journey!

HedgehogMad profile image

I wouldn't risk it - OHSS can be horrible and also dangerous. Waiting a month for your body to recover may be the best thing for you. Fingers crossed for your egg collection,🤞The process of FET depends on whether you have medicated or natural transfer, and it's mainly the lining that is monitored, although they may also check your progesterone levels. It's much less stress on your body though as you don't have to go through all the stims and egg collection xx

in reply to HedgehogMad

interesting, I didn’t realize there was an option for type of transfer! Some more googling for me to do on that now 😊 so I can ask the clinic more q’s! Thanks so much for advise and help x

Best of luck with your journey!

Luka_Ru profile image

Hi! I'm guessing you've already been given your trigger shot - they usually give a different one for freeze all cycles to calm down the ovaries if there is a high risk of OHSS, so it's probably too late to change now.

I had 29 eggs collected and recovery after egg collection was quite long, even with the different trigger. I was in quite a bit of pain due to gas build up and bloating and it took about 5 days to settle, so if I'd been given the other trigger to allow for a fresh transfer I imagine it would've been horrible. You will probably feel yourself that your body is not in a good place for implantation, so although it feels like it's taking forever, it is better to go for a freeze all.

Good luck on Wednesday!

in reply to Luka_Ru

so true this is only my second IVF attempt first was cancelled before collection - I need to stop jumping ahead and do one step at a time! 5 days, you poor thing!

Yep I took my trigger this evening, told me to go with Buserelin not Ovitrelle so presuming that is for freeze all and nothing can be done at this stage! My Mam used to always tell me patience, but I always struggled with them 😂!

Thanks so much for sharing your insights really appreciate it x

Best of luck with your journey!

Luka_Ru profile image
Luka_Ru in reply to

I’m 22 weeks pregnant after FET 💕 I had to wait an extra month because I caught COVID, but the wait was worth it! Wishing you lots of luck.

in reply to Luka_Ru

congratulations ❤️ hopefully I’m lucky too 🍀

Elmo13 profile image

I would go by what your clinic advises. I had late onset OHSS with my last transfer which is no joke. Ended up in hospital for 5 days and then the cycle ended in an MMC at 8 wks- and I was still suffering from the OHSS at this point. It’s one of the worst things I’ve physically been through.

My advice- don’t take the risk! Good luck. x

in reply to Elmo13

so sorry this happened ❤️ ! Yep, everyone has definitely calmed down my impatience! Thanks so much! X

Hoping it’s all working out for you too x

Emlou87 profile image

similar thing happened to me. We got 27 eggs and had to freeze all. I then got OHSS and it was pretty awful. Had I of gone for a fresh transfer (not that the clinic would’ve let me) I would have been full on panicking about the embryo implanting when my body was physically in a pretty bad way. Like you though, I just wanted it all to happen NOW!! 😆 Good luck for tomorrow! Xx

in reply to Emlou87

in the movies it’s like a two minute process and always so positive! I’m normally so practical! U guys are defo after convincing me to side with the doctors though! Thanks x

Good all works out with your journey. X

Weareback2 profile image

I had very mild OHSS on my third round and i was in agony. Can only imagine how sore it would be for people with more severe cases. The doctors want it to work for you, so will be suggesting what they think willl be best. Good luck!

in reply to Weareback2

thanks you for sharing! I will go with their recommendation ☺️! wishing your journey the best of luck x

MariaHdz profile image

I have PCOS and with 30 follicles and estrogens in 6000 and dupicating every day, they decided on a freze all too as my risk of OHSS was high. Yours is also very high (your estrogens are really high). If you become pregnant, the hcg hormone could trigger ohss and send you to the hospital seriously ill (not the best start for a baby if you aren in icu) and with hormons that high, implantation could be difficult and very dangerous for you if it happens. You can decide later between an artificial FET or a natural FET. In the artificial one, they give you hormons and measure the linning. In the natural one, they time it to your natural cycle and measure hormons and lining. I know it can be hard to wait, but in this case, they are giving you and your potential baby, the best start. As they said to me "don't worry, your embryos are very aafe with us" and only 2 weeks later i was transferring... so i just had to wait a little bit more. Best of luck!

in reply to MariaHdz

thanks so much - your totally right and after speaking with the doc today I completely get it now! Egg collection went well they got 16 eggs so just a waiting game with lots of praying that some turn to embryos! With the Christmas period coming up it’s possible I will have a two month wait which wasn’t and isn’t helping my impatience - it’s so funny normally I’m praying for my period to be on time (cause it is random at times) and this time I’m hoping it’s later to allow for a transfer after Christmas!

I hope your journey is going in a positive direction ❤️

MariaHdz profile image
MariaHdz in reply to

I am happy to hear you followed the doctors advice. I have heard patients getting very angry at them because of this, and demanding the transfer and then they become sick. Maybe it helps to think that this Christmas period can help you relax, and bring your hormons down (what your body went thru in this month, has been crazy... you made it work on turbo). At the time I didn't do it as I was too obsessed with work to rest, but try to rest, be kind to yourself, relax, so that when the FET comes, you are ready for it :) a maybe indiscrete questions, do you have by any chance PCOS? (Because of the irregular periods and the OHSS risk). If that is the case, check your insuline levels. Normally they don't do it in fertility and PCOS sufferers tend to produce too mcuh insuline, making periods random or non existing (my case). Also there are some papers in whichbit says that high insuline might impact implantation. In my case it worked until i got it under control.Journey is now ok :) i am now 27 weeks :D hopefully it all goes well 😀

in reply to MariaHdz

27 weeks omg congrats! No don’t have pcos have high reserve but no other symptoms for diagnosis the docs said. Pcos and diabetes (type 1) both run in the family though. I might get my sister to randomly check my sugars one day! My Mam passed away last year and I’m not telling anyone in the family as I want it to be a silver lining for everyone because it has been a hard 14 months!

MariaHdz profile image
MariaHdz in reply to

I understand. I started my treatment just after my dad died. I swear that was the only thing that allowed me to stand every morning. If i can give you an advice, Check your insuline. Glucose is tricky as it usually looks ok and some people might have some insuline resistance even and without other signs. Speciallybif diabetes and pcos run in your family.

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