Hi there fertility network I've learnt today that my donor is going through with the egg retrieval tomorrow only thing is, unfortunately my partner cannot make it. I have read that fresh fertilisation with my partners semen and donor eggs is always better. I'm nervous that using frozen eggs will give me less of a chance of pregnancy and carrying full term. What do you suggest? Love and Light
frozen vs fresh eggs someone please a... - Fertility Network UK
frozen vs fresh eggs someone please advice

yes absoluetly the frozen embryo is better than a frozen egg.
can you ask your husband to come?

Hi Sarah, sorry for the silly question do you mean the frozen donor embryo is better than The fresh embryo?
the quality of the freezing matters.
When i first frozen mine. From 12 eggs 4 withstand the thawing.
When i talked to my doctor he said to me that sperm are weaker than eggs.
And eggs are weaker than embryo.
Conclusion if your husband can make it to do a fresh fertilisation with the eggs. It will be great

thank you
we got bfp from our fresh and had a chemical, we got two bfps from our frozen transfers, our first is 2 and I'm 39 weeks tomorrow with our second xx
We ended up with 6 blasts after using frozen donor eggs and I’m 24 weeks now after our first transfer xxx
I had similar dilemma whether to continue and then have either frozen eggs or embryo (my own 'older' eggs, At the last minute they 'discovered' I didn't have rubella antibodies. The doctor said the efficacy is similar whether fresh or frozen. I really wasn't so sure, being a scientist I know sometime things don't go to plan. We decided that fresh was a safer bet than battling with the freezer. We start again next month - fingers crossed
Good Luck and baby dust Storm4
frozen embryos (fertilised eggs) are more successful than freezing eggs and later fertilising. I read somewhere it's because eggs are only one cell whereas as frozen embryos have already developed several cells. During defrosting, if an egg loses a cell, it won't work. If an embryo loses a cell, it can still be successful. *This information was in a forum and not a medical source.
can your partner give his sample in advance and freeze it ready for egg collection?
If there is any way in this earth that it can happen your partner needs to be there to donate as it can have a huge effect on the success of this! If he really can’t can you ask your clinic to freeze his sperm now and thaw on the day of your donors collection? Freezing and thawing the sperm has much less effect on the success rates than freezing the eggs. Wishing you lots and lots of luck xx
I would do everything possible to get him to attend - bar life-threatening situations, court case, a loved one's funeral etc, if he werw my partner he would need to be there I think but I am guessing that one of the above situations has occurred so his attendance is not now an option. How close do you live to the clinic? I believe sperm is okay for 30 mins so if timed right, you could bring it in for him but check with the clinic about this. Also freezing his sperm might be an option. Speak to the clinic and they should be able to advise you if there are options to still go ahead with a fresh transfer as planned especially as you will have done all the prep for that. I have heard it said that frozen embryo transfers are more likely to be successful. That may have something to do with them being able to check when the best day for a transfer for your body would be. It may also be because they will only freeze the highest grade embryos and none of those they think are too poor quality to survive the freezing and thawing process. That said with a fresh transfer they will generally transfer even embryos/blastocysts they think are not good enough quality to freeze and although thar average to poor quality may somsetimes be an indicator that it will just degrade, a poor quality blastocyst can also still result in a healthy baby. Wishing you all the best for it. Either way it is exciting that your donor is having her egg collection today!
thank you ladies from reading all the comments I am really nervous about using frozen embryos with fresh semen at a later date. I have asked the clinic if we can use an alternative donor So upset and demoralised right now.
the infertility journey is already so difficult but it is best to wait to give yourself the best chance.
We have donor egg twins and it's the best thing I have ever done.
thank you beautiful we have chosen another donorLiterally 5 minutes ago and my partner will be available upon egg collection or before. The new donor actually fits the bill a lot more I'm over the moon that I have access to a platform like this and beautiful souls like you all. I am extremely happy for you and your family and the birth of your beautiful twins xxx love and light xxxx sprinkling lots of baby dust xxxx Thank you so much for all your help ladies xxxxxx