Hi girls, am trying to research which is considered the best type of egg to use for donor egg ivf. My heart is telling me surly fresh is best. And we are considering going to prague. Only frozen donor eggs available in Ireland and are flown in from Europe. The clinic only garanteeing that they will get them safely as far as Dublin airport..n basically if anything happens between airport n defrosting them, then we loose everything! Almost 10grand just gone in a heartbeat! It's making me think at least with fresh I will get a chance! Any advice b much appreciated..thanks
Fresh or frozen donor eggs?? - Fertility Network UK
Fresh or frozen donor eggs??

I’m going through donor treatment at the moment out in Spain.
With the clinic I’m at you buy guarantees ie either 3 or 5 blastocysts at either day 3 or day 5 (3xd3 is cheapest and 5xd5 most expensive). I’m glad I did as my first round didn’t go well. The donor produces 11 mature eggs, 10 fertilised but none made it to blastocyst by day 5....a single one made it to blastocysts at day 6 so I did go through a fresh transfer (although I was concerned by the possible chromosomal issues being that no other egg had survived and there is research that says the chances of pregnancy drop by half of transferred on day 6 rather than 5). Good news was that I got pregnant, bad news was that I miscarried at 5+3.
The clinic are back searching for a new donor for me all at their cost. I have to pay a transfer fee, but that’s fairly standard with every transfer as usually only the first is included in your treatment. They are going to do another fresh round again being that I’ve none in the freezer from previous donor.
From what I’ve researched, the issue with frozen eggs is that they are just a single cell and therefore only about 50% of them survive thawing process....so a lot riskier if buying a few and shipping them over.
It is different with frozen blastocysts because they’re a group of cells and these days the difference in pregnancy rates from a fresh transfer versus frozen transfer is tiny, like a couple of percent.
Frozen eggs don't thaw as well as embryos, so in my opinion you are definitely better off going for fresh. Best of luck! Xxx
Fresh eggs, frozen embryos. I'd do the transfer at the clinic that provides the eggs.
Good luck!🍀
Ive only ever used fresh DE as I'm under the impression that fresh is best as fresh eggs dont thaw as like embryos.xx
We used fresh because there is a lower chance with frozen eggs (not massively lower, but enough to make us think the saving wasn't worth it). Also, we were hoping for a good enough outcome to be able to froze any spare embryos and I'm no sure the eggs could stand up to being frozen again.
Out of interest would you consider fresh DE treatment in the UK? Our clinic and a couple of others we looked at charge around £8k for a fresh cycle so possibly cheaper even though you would need to fly over.
With exchange rate that would work out as expensive as Ireland. My consultant also works in an ivf clinic in Belfast but u have to travel to Spain for your donor treatment. It's lots more expensive! Think am just starting to stress myself out worrying about money...as have been told am looking at a 3lap having only had last one in Feb. Have been taken Clomid then letrozole meds over last 6mts n looks like that's made the Endo come back very quickly. If am signed off work again for a 3rd op in only 2yrs I go down to half rate pay n won't even b able to afford my mortgage repayments! My partner is self employed and struggling to stay in business at the min