Hi all
Just wondered if anyone knows.
I am having my TSH monitored and my latest result is 2.9 mIU/L. I know a lot of clinics want it under 2.5 and my clinic wants it under 1.
But do they want it under 1 before I start stims or is it that they want it under 1 before I transfer any embryos to prevent possible implantation issues? Does anyone know? I thought it was the latter but I'm not 100% sure.
I'm due to start a short cycle in a matter of days however I won't be doing a fresh transfer, any embryos will be tested and then frozen. If it needs to come down only before transfer then I have time on my side. If it needs to be low before stims start this could be problematic.
I will obviously check with clinic tomorrow but does anyone have any knowledge?
Thanks for any advice x