Hi All,
I’ve just discovered that people often don’t take a course of northisterone for FETs and just go in for a baseline scan on day 2 or 3 of their periods. I have never been offered this and it seems much better as with northisterone it takes almost a month longer due to starting those pills on day 19 waiting for withdrawal bleed etc before starting oestrogen.
Are there any pros/cons that I am unaware of as I am thinking of asking not to do northisterone next cycle to speed things up if this one fails. We’re doing medicated FETs due to it being what we did for the ERA but they said we could try a natural FET if we wanted but as it wasn’t done for ERA it’s not ideal, but I could because I had natural conceptions that miscarried before so likely repetitive (which my era said).
I don’t know that much about FETs as we’ve just been doing egg collections for a long time so was surprised to hear it can be a lot shorter protocol and was not suggested by clinic.
Thanks xx