I'm sorry for this everyone, I know this will be very sensitive got people to read but I need some advice. Oh my goodness I am FREAKING out. Please help me.
I posted on here a couple of weeks ago to say I'd taken a test after a missed period and it was negative. Well period still didnt show up and have been having such sore boobs etc. So this morning I thought, I better take another test just incase. Positive.
I feel actually sick and can't stop shaking. I've been here before 2 years ago and thought everything was rosy and it ended in a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks. All I can think is, what if somethings gone wrong, what if the test is wrong and is a false positive???? All that's been running through my mind for the last hour is how can this even be? How can a test be a big negative line one minute and positive the next??? I'm so worried about all the things I've done over the past month like exercising a lot, drinking tea, eating chocolate....
I'm petrified this ends the same way as last time after 2 years of trying again. What do I do? Do I go straight to the doctors to get them to confirm? Should they be checking progesterone levels etc? They didn't do any blood tests at all last time....
Again I'm sorry to post this. Kind of don't know where else to turn....