Transfer 1 or 2 embryos? Advice or ex... - Fertility Network UK

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Transfer 1 or 2 embryos? Advice or experience

Leigh2244 profile image
29 Replies


So I am on my 7th attempt I have 2 frozen embryos left and wondering whether to transfer 1 or 2.

They are different grades and this is our last 2 as we won’t be going through any more cycles after this.

I know at our last fet the embryology team said it increases chances by 10%.

Just don’t know what to do this time?


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Leigh2244 profile image
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29 Replies
zytajones profile image

Hi Leigh,I just had my 7th and probably last attempt with 2 embryos (2 embryos for the first time) as this was strongly suggested by embryologist. The embryos were two different grades: one very good, one good (they don't tell exact grades at my clinic). Unfortunately for me, none stick.

I would do whatever they suggest, if you are ok with an idea to have twins.

Wish you all the luck and hopefully it will be a successful round for you xx

RBSH profile image
RBSH in reply to zytajones

Transfer 2 more chances to success.. I did transfer 2 embryo mine last year and now I got 10 months old twins baby boy

Purple276 profile image

Hi Leigh,Just wanted to say I'm so sorry your previous embryos havent stuck and it is so hard to know what to do.

Transferring 2 will save money and time but you do have more chance for them individually working. I think the clinics will prefer just 1 as in a way I'd love twins but the risk is higher and they need to prevent twin births as much as possible.

It's a very personal decision but neither options are wrong and maybe go with what you'd be happier with if you look back on your journey in the future to have no regrets or guilt xx

hoping2021 profile image

I had 4 FET. Looking back I wish I’d done double transfers because of cost and time lost. I lost a year of my fertility with the transfers and timing 2ww with annual leave etc. I know the clinics are hell bent on reducing twin pregnancies but I wish they would think also about the psychosocial consequences of prolonged singe transfers

Hoop123 profile image

Hi Leigh, it's a really tough decision. We transferred our last 2 embryos together (it was our 5th attempt and only single transfers before then). They were different grades but both have stuck so far. Which is great but I know there's a long road ahead with a twin pregnancy.

Part of our rationale was that we wanted to move on to another fresh cycle if these last two didn't work and wanted to increase our chances after a long long road. But I don't know what I would have done if it was my actual last 2 embryos... Possibly one at a time? Although maybe not as one wasn't a very good grade and there's something about giving it everything in the last go.

It's a really personal decision as Purple says above but there's definitely no right or wrong answer for you xx

IVFat40 profile image

Hello hun, I looked in to this quite a bit myself. From what I read the evidence suggests that two single transfers will give you a slightly higher total cumulative success rate, but of course transferring two this time will give you a better success rate for this transfer. For me I knew I wasn't doing any more egg collections so I decided to transfer my remaining embryos one at a time, although of course that may have cost implications. Good luck hun.

AuroraXen profile image

I put 2 back in once as it was a fresh transfer and they weren't sure the lower quality one would survive freezing and thawing. The other embryo looked great. Neither stuck. I don't think I'd put back 2 again unless they were very similar in grading, just because there is research saying this can be a bad idea. However, none of the data on any of this seems definitive either way! And people put back very different embryos and get pregnant! My clinic says they simply don't know if 2 different quality embryos could be less successful than 2 separate transfers. As my transfers are included in my overall deal, it doesn't cost me extra to do single transfers, but that could be a consideration for you perhaps. I wrestled with whether to put back 1 or 2 this time, for my current FET, but decided against it It's a very personal choice, no right or wrong answer. Obviously be prepared for twins and all that entails xx

RecipIVF profile image

Hi👋🏻 After a couple of failed transfers, the clinic suggested we transfer our last two together. Initially I was really excited and loved the idea of twins but for me the fear factor kicked in (we couldn’t afford another fresh round mentally or financially) and we decided to transfer just one. We learnt something new with each transfer and feel like we tried lots of different things for the third transfer which has so far been successful (30 weeks 🤞🏻). For me I think a big part of the problem was progesterone levels. No right or wrong answer but best of luck with whatever you decide xx

Blueberry211 profile image
Blueberry211 in reply to RecipIVF

Was it successful with twins? Congratulations 🎉

RecipIVF profile image
RecipIVF in reply to Blueberry211

Thanks ☺️ I only transferred one and as far as I know there’s only one in there😂 glad I didn’t transfer two in case it didn’t work though as each transfer has been trial/ error/ luck. Means I’ve one embryo in the freezer and will do the same diet, supplements, meds, holistic work etc next time but if it doesn’t work out that’s us done and (all being well) we’ll happily spoil the one baby we have 💙

Blueberry211 profile image
Blueberry211 in reply to RecipIVF

Congratulations! I have done on full retrieval with no success yet ( two single FET, PGT a tested- one chemical , one negative). We did all by the book- and was wondering if we should transfer two next time! May I ask what diet and supplements and holistic therapy worked out for you? Xx hugs and well done

RecipIVF profile image
RecipIVF in reply to Blueberry211

Will give you a PM (it’s a short essay!) xx

Blueberry211 profile image
Blueberry211 in reply to RecipIVF

Thank you

Georgie17 profile image

It’s a tough choice. I have been transferring two and would suggest two as long as you are ok with the possibility of having twins if both stick. Do you know the grades? I transferred two on my 7th attempt and one stuck. On my 8th, I transferred two and both embryos took so I was pregnant with twins. Unfortunately I lost all 3 babies for other reasons but I am now pregnant from my 9th transfer where we transferred two and one has taken. All of mine were day 5 blastocysts and grades 4 or more. Good luck with your decision.

Ivfgotadream profile image

As long as you are comfortable physically emotionally and financially with twins or triplets (I know just as many triplet mums from a double transfer as I do twin mums) then if you feel you are coming to the end of your journey then do a double transfer. I have twins from a double and they are just bloody amazing and I’d do it again tomorrow if I could although pregnancy was hard and birth was dangerous for us.

Leigh2244 profile image

Thank you all so much for the comments it’s really helped think about everything x

XOXO13 profile image

For my fourth transfer, I transferred two and they both stuck. I now have 7 week year old twins and they’re amazing 💖💙

The reason we transferred two was, like you, to increase the chances of one sticking around but we were so blessed to learn that both had. The pregnancy was absolutely fine, I carried them through to 37 weeks exactly so don’t be put off when people say twin pregnancy is tough. Yes it is, but you get extra care and are closely monitored and it is achievable.

I don’t regret transferring two, I’m so glad I did. Whatever you decide, wishing you lots of luck xxx

Jana483 profile image

I can only do 3rd day transfer so I always transfer 2 or 3 Embryos to increase my chances, last transfer we put back 3 excellent grade a embryos and only one stuck and I am currently pregnant.So I kept thinking that if I only put back one or two I might not be pregnant now.

Best of luck!!!

My suggestion is to go with 2 embryos and if you get lucky you'll get twins which is not as bad as it sounds, most of my ivf buddies get pregnant with twins of triplets!

Sorry it hasn’t worked yet. All I can say is what I’d do if I were in your shoes. If I was unable for whatever reason to have more than one transfer, be it money, tired of doing it, whatever. Then I’d put both in. It’s not as good chances as separately but it’s better than just one.

Hi, we went through this exact thing. We had 3 frozen left and we decided we wouldn't go through a fresh cycle again. We put 2 back in and kept 1 frozen, unfortunately the 2 didn't take so in November we put our last one in and now in 25 weeks pregnant. I think personally I'd do them separately because a single worked for me. Best of luck with everything ❤️

MofM profile image

We had mostly single transfers (I did not want to risk twins due to the high risk for their and my health) until three doctors at three different clinics told us that in our case finding one that worked was already a miracle, leave alone two (I am 38yo and my partner has very high DNA fragmentation). I also believed this was good for my mental health: I needed to get out of the IVF rollercoaster (after 6 fresh cycles and 6 transfers) and having single transfers would have taken me about two years (we had 4 embryos left), both to do the actual transfers and find the money for the next.

So we did 3 double transfers, 2 failed and the last one is my current (and hopefully progressing) twin pregnancy.

I am happy and I will have done the same 1000 times, absolutely no regrets, but it is very stressful, albeit you are monitored very closely and get a lot of extra care (thank you NHS).

However, it is a very personal choice and you should look at your personal circumstances. Whatever you decide, wishing you lots of luck xxx

Georgya profile image

Hi! I've had my 5th attempt in March and I was in the same situation. Initially the dr said to transfer both but later on I've changed my mind and I've only 1. You must think if you would be ok with twins. I think this thought did it for me. Goodluck and fingers crossed whatever you choose it is going to work for you!!!xxx

Megrumpy profile image

I think all parents of single babies will tell you to put back in 1 and most parents of twins will tell you to go for 2, as it is not that bad. Despite what people tell you, you WILL cope with either. And there are positives and negatives to either. I am currently pregnant with twins after 3 single transfers and 3 double transfers. Although my twin consultant is convinced that whether you have twins or singletons, is more to do with genetics than how many embryos you put in. My mother is a fraternal twin and he was more shocked that I am the only other woman in our family to have twins (although assisted). The only thing you might want to look out for is if you have any identical twins in your family histories, as that might mean a higher chance of triplets or more. But you can have identical twins by just transferring one embryo. It is the identical twin pregnancies that tend to be the more dangerous ones. BUT how complicated your pregnancy is, does not just depend on how many babies you are carrying, but also how fit and healthy you are going into the pregnancy (e.g. the possible reason for infertility).We were advised to put back two due to age (at the first double transfer I was 37).

I personally think that whether you put back in 1 or 2 depends most on how ready you are for the journey to be over. If you have decided this is the last 2 embryos for you, then are you ready to say that's it and move on with your life after you put the last 2 back in together? If not then perhaps spreading and doing 2 transfers might be easier for you. It will give both embryos individually the best chance to work.

JOSANDY40 profile image

Personally I would to see with 1 defrosted when fertilised it might not subdivide correctly. Then use 1. But probably just use both. There is no easy answer. 10% isn't alot of difference in chance! The thing is I know a few people who got pregnant naturally when after years of trying with IVF. I tried the IVF. I finally excepted it wasn't going to happen. Years on I am happy with life and have the freedom. Look after my sisters but can hand them back. There isn't a right or wrong way I gave up at 40 trying. Many things in life can come along as we follow our paths. Exceptance, keeping a balanced view, low stress, viewing life positive way and loving your partner.Wishing you both the best

J x

LuxFleur profile image

Our doctor refused to do a double transfer because we lost a pregnancy later than usual due to a fatal trisomy (no genetic testing here). We did genetic testing on ourselves and it seemed it was just random since we were normal, but he didn't want to do a double transfer in case they both implanted and one was normal while the other was not and then died, thus endangering the other. If your embryos have been tested as normal, there is no real reason not to do it unless there is another danger for you in having twins. But if they have not been tested, it is something to consider—the danger of both implanting and then losing one later in such a way that endangered the other.

gianna83 profile image

Where i live,double transfers are the usual approach.I've had 3 fets,all double transfers.I think i would hate it if i had to pay 6 times for fets,take all these medications,travel to the clinic etc.

Infragilis profile image

Hey Leigh, I think this is a personal decision and also based on what you have already been through. In my case I am going to have a single transfer and I am currently trying to bank embryos. My reason for transferring one is because I have regrets of transferring more previously. My first transfer was of 3 (2 good quality and one bad). One stuck but I miscarried early on. I then went on to have another three transfers. Transferring 1, 2 & 2. None of those stuck. I only produce few follicles so the most embryos I can get is around 2 if I'm lucky per cycle. So in my case I worry that I wasted my embryos by having double transfers. Although it could be the case that they just weren't good enough. I've also always had fresh transfers. This time I will be going for frozen and single transfer. This is why I think it's a personal decision because it's based on what you have been through. I just wanted to share my experience of having mostly transferred more than one. I would also follow your gut feeling. Wishing you the best of luck.

KateBrian profile image

We have a Fertility Network webinar coming up this week on this - it's on Thursday at 6.30pm.

It will tell you more about about how doctors and embryologists make decisions about this and what the guidance is, and will help explain the science which guides recommendations . It's a great opportunity to ask any questions about the subject. All our webinars are free of charge.

You can find the details of how to register here

Leigh2244 profile image

Thank you. Spoken to my embryologist and she definitely recommends 2. Due to my age (40) and number of cycles etc.


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