So… I think I am mainly writing this to help me process it in some kind of way…. Plus all of you have been so incredibly supportive to me. After huge pains and a big bleed on Tuesday but a normal scan, I was Oke-ish and hopeful but tonight started bleeding again, with cramps/aching and mild low back pain. Not as acute as it was on Tuesday but enough to make me worry and wondering if this time I am seeing more small clots? Sadly my IVF clinic is closed over the weekend and the nearest EPU is closed as well. I am not that severe I feel A&E is worth a visit (yet) and having a scan scheduled Tuesday but gosh, the wait! Especially feeling like the clots and aches are the signs it really is still bad news.
The hypothesis was that the previous bleed was a SCH that resolved very quickly once it bled out but if the scan was clear Tuesday it would be strange for it to grow again wouldn’t it? And I wouldn’t expect as many cramps perhaps as many woman don’t even realise they have one until a scan?
Just trying to find something to hang on to and that we are not out yet but it feels everything is against us at the moment 😥
Any success stories of women who bled throughout these early weeks with maybe small clots + cramps to still go on having a healthy pregnancy? I know I am probably asking for a miracle.