The ongoing dilemma of supplements…🤯 - Fertility Network UK

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The ongoing dilemma of supplements…🤯

Ssteph profile image
27 Replies

Really I just want someone to tell me what the magic table is to make it happen… if only there was one!

My husband is taking Procieve and impryl on alternative days.

I have read It starts with the egg and to be honest found it a little overwhelming! I had give it a go for my last cycle but there are so many tablets and not sure it made any difference at all! My clinic literally recommended folic acid and vitamin D!

Does anyone have any recommendations of what might help improve egg quality.

Thank you 🤍

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27 Replies
Klndmr profile image

It's all so confusing isn't it. Personally I take vitamin D, multivitamins with iron, folic acid of course ahha, magnesium and ubiquinol 200 mg. I've taken ubiquinol with my last two EC and I personally think it did help my egg quality but obviously I'm not a doctor and it might just be luck. 😻😻😻❤️❤️❤️Xxx

Ssteph profile image
Ssteph in reply to Klndmr

Eee it really is, you think you’re doing the right thing and then you read something else- next thing you know you’re 20 tablets in and thinking of adding something else. Thank you for the advice. So good that your seeing improvements. Xxx

ZiggyandBC profile image

Hi! I had the same problem where I had that much info thrown at me I didn’t have a clue what to take! My clinic also just said to take vitamin D and folic acid. My partner also takes proceive and I just take pregnacare multivitamins for pre conception as it means most of the vitamins I need are in 1 tablet rather than taking loads of different ones xx

Ssteph profile image
Ssteph in reply to ZiggyandBC

Hello, it quickly becomes overwhelming doesn’t it. Like the desperation of wanting something to work just takes over. I mean I know folic acid and vitamin D but surely the clinics know this is the basics. I’m thinking a good multi vitamin with a few extras is the way forward. Thank you xxx

It is a minefield!

I took pregnacare, extra vitamin D, fish oil with DHA, melatonin (3mg) and Ubiquinol (but 400mg). Our fifth and six rounds were better than our 3rd and 4th so feel like the Ubiquinol helped although I believe things can only be 'enhanced' and not fixed and in the end I had 'old eggs' so they couldn't make them any better than good old eggs if you see what I mean xx

Ssteph profile image
Ssteph in reply to

Mind it really is and just becomes so expensive and hard to manage! My little pill box was over flowing 🙈 I’ve been taking ubiquinol- it’s so expensive but I suppose in the grand scheme of things 😳 where do you order yours from? Yeh anything that might enhance is worth a try. Xxxx

in reply to Ssteph

I used to get mine on amazon! Bio-Ubiquinol xx

Ssteph profile image
Ssteph in reply to

I’ll take a little look 😊 xxx

Leebee03 profile image

There is a supplement called Ovum which has a lot of the supplements from ISWTE in them, including a form of ubiquinol. I am older so I take extra ubiquinol as well and vit D and omega 3. It is all so expensive but hoping it will be worth it. All the best xx

Ssteph profile image
Ssteph in reply to Leebee03

Thank you so much- I’ve just ordered Ovum- I’ve never come across these and they will certainly make things easier, looks like they have a good list of ingredients too . I’ve also ordered some extra ubiquinol. Thanks you for the recommendation ☺️ Xxx

RoseLodge32 profile image

On my first round and currently in the tww, so can’t say what has/hasn’t worked vitamins wise but I’ve ended up keeping it quite simple for the exact same reason - so overwhelming what you could take!

I stuck with folic acid, vitamin d, a vitamin b complex because in the past I’ve been low on b12 and ubiniquol as I have a lower ovarian reserve so wanted to make sure what eggs I did get, would be good quality.

I got 5 eggs, 4 were fertilised, 3 made it to embryos and 2 to blast, one which was transferred and the other is now on ice 🧊 xx

Ssteph profile image
Ssteph in reply to RoseLodge32

Sounds like you’ve definitely done something right. What a great result. Good luck, hope you’re managing to keep busy in the TWW? 🍀🍀🤞🏻 Xxx

RoseLodge32 profile image
RoseLodge32 in reply to Ssteph

Thank you! I’ve actually had some time out of work but go back next week - hopefully that will keep my mind occupied :) xx

Ssteph profile image
Ssteph in reply to RoseLodge32

Wishing you all the luck on the world. Take it easy xxx

Hi, we had an NHS round and our embryos were graded CB’s and only made it to blast on day 6 so not the best and neither fresh or FET implanted but when we had to pay for private they got us to speak with their nutritionist who recommended various diet and supplements and we got 1:1 grade (the best) their grading system at day 5’s. The first time we got pregnant but sadly miscarried and with the most recent FET we are currently 17 weeks pregnant after 7 years unexplained infertility, 4 IVF rounds. I know it’s hard but we are proof miracles happen! We did diet and supplement support for 3 months before our successful cycles.

Anti inflammatory foods, high levels of protein and a lower carb Mediterranean diet including nuts, eggs and avocados. We ate fish and watercress at least once a week and avoided red meat. We were basically told to eat a varied and colourful diet. Salmon with baked Mediterranean veg and feta was a fave. 100g of protein daily- I used organic whey protein shakes to help boost mine.

We also both have up drinking and neither of us smoke.

As for supplement support: Folate (not folic acid- as it is a purer form of folic acid and is easier for the body to utilise- I still take it now)

A really good pregnancy vitamin I use nutri advanced (get your other half to be taking both of these too- there’s a make specific one)

3 omega3 tabs a day during a cycle dropped to 2 after

NAC 600mg 2x daily

Cherry night before bed for magnesium

It feels like a lot but once you get into the swing of it it’s easier than it sounds. Wishing you so much luck

IVFat40 profile image
IVFat40 in reply to Hopingtobecomeamummy

I would also recommend seeing a fertility nutritionist, mine seems to have recommended very similar things to yours, including the Nutri-Advanced brand. Currently almost 19 weeks with one of the embryos collected after I saw the nutritionist and really did my best with her diet (first 2 rounds pre nutritionist much less successful). I also added in DHEA (after testing my levels) as I was 40.

Ssteph profile image
Ssteph in reply to IVFat40

Thank you. I keen to see a fertility nutritionist- going to have a little look and see if I can find any local. Congratulations on your pregnancy, hope all goes well. Take care xxxx

Hopingtobecomeamummy profile image
Hopingtobecomeamummy in reply to IVFat40

Congratulations 🥰

Ssteph profile image
Ssteph in reply to Hopingtobecomeamummy

Huge congratulations on your pregnancy 🤍 thank you for the advice, both my husband and I eat pretty healthy, neither of up smoke and we aren’t big drinkers. Thanks for the advice- I’ve just ordered a Mediterranean cook book to spice things up a little 😂 I get sick of eating the same meals just put of quickness. Take care and hope all goes well for you. Xxx

Hopingtobecomeamummy profile image
Hopingtobecomeamummy in reply to Ssteph

Good luck. It’s so hard but we honestly decided to throw everything we had at it after so much disappointment and fortunately it seems to be paying off so far!

Hopefulmother profile image

This is exactly the question that’s been on my mind. Thanks for posting I’m using a preconception pregnancy multivitamin and some fertility tonic I saw online from a natural fertility website (honestly anything that says ‘helps with fertility’ I end up buying )

And I’m underweight so I have been increasing meal portion sizes to up my BMI

Trying for natural after two failed FET cycles

Ssteph profile image
Ssteph in reply to Hopefulmother

It really is so confusing and out of desperation we’ll try anything. I’m thinking the trick is to pick something and stick with it. Good luck 🤞🏻 and hope you’re managing with the larger portion sizes ☺️ Xxx

tryingfortwo profile image

Hi Ssteph, like you I did my research and tried many supplements but alas nothing has worked. Now, I should say I've just turned 44 and and I've never tried IVF but I started taking supplements after my last miscarriage nearly two years ago. Prior to that pregnancy I had only taken folic acid on a daily basis. Since July 2020 I've been on 300mg ubiquinol per day, vitamin d and Omega 3. I may have introduced the latter two a bit later but I've been on them for many months, I'd guess well over a year. On advice from a friend I also changed from taking folic acid to methyl folate as research shows it's easier to absorb. Since November last year I've been taking micronized DHEA daily, varying the dose between 50 and 75mg (I got my levels checked before starting and a number of times since on a monthly basis) After starting DHEA and learning where to source it from ladies on here I realised that all the supplements can be obtained cheaper from the iHerb website (fast, reliable and free delivery also once you order over a certain price). I'll stop DHEA at the end of this month as my supply runs out and I heard it can be harmful to take it for a longer period of time. I eat healthy, lots of fruit and veg and fish at least once or twice a week. Neither myself nor my husband drink alcohol anymore and we've both cut out caffeine other than the occasional coffee. My husband also takes a multivitamin daily. So, I feel we've done everything within our power and it's age that is most likely against us. However, a friend of mine fell pregnant naturally last year at age 44 while preparing to undergo an IVF cycle so miracles happen. I've also heard of many other similar stories. Is it due to supplements or pure luck....I'm not sure. I wish you the best of luck on your journey as I feel that's the key factor that we cannot plan or control as much as we'd like to. Take care.

Ssteph profile image
Ssteph in reply to tryingfortwo

It sounds like you’re both trying everything possible and what more can we do. Your friend has been very lucky but we do hear of these success stories and it gives hope and encouragement to keep trying. I wish you all the very best in your journey. I have ordered my ubiquinol from iherb 😊 xxxx

MagsGK profile image

Hello lovely. Folic acid and wit D does not help you make pregnant. Those are vital minerals and vitamins but does not improve egg quality.

I have done 4 cycles in the last 3 years.

Cycle 1 - 8 eggs, I transferred blastocyst, bleeding before test, had not enough progesterone

Cycle 2 - 6 eggs. No blastocysts

Cycle 3 - 4 eggs No blastocysts

Imagine, I did not give up.

We decided to give it another go, one last time but asked how to improve egg quality.

Been told to take DHEA x 25mg three times a day, and Q10 x 600mg a day for at least 3 months.

DHEA is not easy to get in UK so I ordered from US. No quarantine it will work and plenty of side effect... despite all that decided I'm gonna do it. Been taking it nearly 5 months. Stopped just before egg collection.

Cycle 4 - 5 egg, 2 blastocyst !

One fresh transfer, first time pregnant, unfortunately empty sack so misscaried at week 12.

Frozen transfer -BFN

Doctor said, it's an amazing sign we got again decided to go for round 5 !. I'm taking DHEA and Q10 for 3 months now and will have collection sometime next month.

We don't know if it was Q10 or DHEA. We will never know....

Just hoping it works for us this time 🙏

Wishing you all the best xxx


Ssteph profile image
Ssteph in reply to MagsGK

Hey Mags, thank you for your message. The cycles with nothing at the end must have been horrendous 😔 it really is soul destroying this whole process but good on you for keeping at it. I’m sorry to hear about your miscarriage I’ve been in this situation twice and all you want is the answer to WHY!? I have orders the ubiquinol and will start asap with 600mg a day. Did you have any tests before starting with the DHEA? Good luck with the egg collection, I would love to hear how it goes 🤞🏻 Xxxx

MagsGK profile image

They are not doing any blood tests to me to check level of DHEA. That is really strange.

How many cycles have you done already? If none and your fsh and amh are good you may not need to worry about egg quality so I wouldn't take additional supplements if i were you. I would just stick to folic acid, wit D, pre conception wit etc.

I am petrified for my round 5, only doing this because 4th cycle had much better outcome than all previous ones. People say do not give up, but they don't know what an emotional rollecostaer that is.

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