My doctor has asked me to have a number of blood tests before my next round of IVF. I am private as I was not eligible for NHS funded treatment. The blood tests are thyroid antibodies, auto antibodies, and vitamin D. These are expensive via my clinic and my clinic is also a long drive away from where I live (no clinics where I live). Does anyone know if these would be covered by my GP?
Will the GP carry out the required bl... - Fertility Network UK
Will the GP carry out the required blood tests?

I think every gp is different. My gp refused point blank to do any blood tests or help at all as I had ‘chosen to go private’ give yours a call xxx
Thanks, yes it's a bit frustrating since going private was our only option. I know that my previous GP would not even give us an HIV or hepatitis check when we started this journey a few years ago, but wasn't sure if I should try again with another GP. Funny thing is if I just turned up and said I was exposed to these viruses I would be eligible for a test!
I asked my GP and they agreed doing full blood count, thyroid function and hep. I had to do a couple more privately via the clinic. I'd say always worth asking! My GP knew that i had gone private due to the really long waiting times with NHS and did say they would help me where they can. It really depends on the GP, give it a try!
Mine has been wonderful over the last few years - initially we were NHS funded but the hospital wanted endless blood tests which the GPs seemed a bit surprised at, but did anyway. Then we went private and they just carried on, including after early losses and for things like HCG and progesterone monitoring. But although I feel that should be the approach with all GPs because infertility and pregnancy are medical issues, I think we've been very lucky and most GPs push back to some extent.
Hey,As Boo stated, it will probably depend on the GP. My GP had no issue to run every single blood test I asked for and not only once! The only one he couldn't do was AMH levels check but this is not normally done on NHS anyway.
I hope your GP will be as kind as mine!
Hi Mitco my GP was very helpful and has performed a lot of tests for us and even NK cell blood test was done by them. However every time I needed a particular test the fertility clinic would send a GP a letter asking for these test. It wasn’t always easy as fertility clinics want to make money too but i would insist and say to them that I would still spend money with them on egg collection or specific tests which they offered so it worked most of times. Hope this helps. Best of luck xoxo
I would say they should do a thyroid check at the very least, i have ine done all the time for my thryoid problem and have known loads of people request and be tested, just make sure you are clear if its for antibodies or tsh levels as they did the wrong one for me once and i had to go get another done !
I had vitamin D blood test through my GP, I also had Ferritin blood test for Iron through them. They didn't have an issue, I told them it was for my fertility treatment and my clinic was recommending that I have them. They just gave me the forms to have it done at the hospital. I had the antibodies tests privately. My clinic done a thyroid blood test once and I never got charged for it I don't think, so you could ask if they could do that as part of your treatment. Fingers crossed you can get some covered, as I know all the tests add up. If they won't, I know you can get vitamin D checked through a finger prick blood test at home and I don't think it is very expensive (think I was told around £30) x
My GP used to, but recently they have got funnier and funnier about 'supporting/supplementing' private care, they have stopped doing any type of blood tests if required for private treatment and recently refused to take some stitches out after an op I had (which I had done privately).. which meant my other half had to take an afternoon off work to drive me over an hour into London where it took less than 2 mins for them to snip them out!!! MADDENING!! xx

Yes this seems to be the response I got this morning. That sounds so frustrating about your stitches, I can imagine my gp doing the same.
Thanks for everyone's responses. Unfortunately the response was a clear no. I even tried negotiating for them just to do the vitamin d blood test but they wouldn't even do that. In fact they also tried to get out of treating my polyps which need removing before further ivf. In the end they did a referral to gynaecology but the way they were acting I'm not convinced they've even processed it (they recently were supposed to refer my husband for a mole removal but 'forgot to '.)