Hi so it’s my OTD and it’s negative just wondering if I should try a different protocol next time. Wondering how a natural FET works? X
Anyone had a natural FET how does it ... - Fertility Network UK
Anyone had a natural FET how does it work?

Hi! On a natural FET you usually have 1 or 2 scans at around day 10 to see if a follicle is growing and will measure your lining. My clinic makes you take a trigger Hcg shot when the follicle measures 18mm and then 7 days later they do the transfer.

Hi I already have two frozen embryos. So just wondering how it works with the transfer for these? X
I had one natural FET. Took CB ovulation tests and had to ring the clinic when I reached peak. Then had a scan and the transfer booked. I know some people enjoy natural FETs as there's a reduced amount of hormones in your body but I found it stressful as if I hit peak on a certain day they wouldn't do the transfer as it would mean transfer would need doing when they were closed on a Sunday. After transfer was told I wouldn't need progesterone but I did ask for them and the clinic were happy to give me a prescription. Started cyclogest evening of transfer (I think)
I'm in the 2ww right now with a natural FET and it's been my best experience so far. Similar to a PP I had a baseline scan day 2 after my period, another scan on day 11. My lining was over 7mm and I had a follicle measuring over 16.5mm so they triggered me that night. Started progesterone 3 days later. Transfer a week after trigger. Test in two days!
Hey hun. My last FET was a natural modified so i still had cyclogest but not trigger. You end up going for more scans but it’s totally worth it. I had a very bad reaction to drugs in my medicated FET so this was so much easier on my body. I think as long as you have regular periods and ovulate you should be fine. xx
Thanks ladies I will definitely speak to the clinic about it and look at all my options x
Ovulation track until you reach peak and then the clinic scan to look for signs of ovulation etc and one booked us in for transfer 6 days after peak. And that’s it. I did use additional progesterone for my last and most successful transfer (no indication for it and was deemed to need it just wanted to throw everything at it)Good luck
I did a medicated cycled and it didn’t work. I switched to naturally modified and it did work. I grew the lining of the womb naturally and had scans to check progress, and tracked my LH via ovulation kits every 12 hours. When I got the surge I called up and I already had a scan booked the next day. So I went to that and they said to trigger ovulation that night and start progesterone pessaries in two days time (I think that’s the modified bit but I wanted the progesterone) and then 5 days later I had the transfer which wasn’t as straight forward as before - just some switching around and stuff but that resulted in a BFP and I’m now 28 weeks.