I started medicated FET 2 weeks ago and today my lining was only 6.5mm. I am concerned as with my fresh cycle my lining was 11.7mm on the day of the trigger shot.
First FET: What was your lining thick... - Fertility Network UK
First FET: What was your lining thickness? Mine is not there yet…

Hi lovely, mine varied from cycle to cycle, but it often wasn't thick enough - each time they upped the progynova and it got to between 7 - 8mm, which was fine.
I know most clinics like it over 8mm but if it's usual for you to not reach that they tend to think that is normal for you (as everyone is different).
You can try vitamin E, raspberry leaf tablets, yoga exercises to increase blood flow and walking to help thicken.
Good luck!
To be honest it is the first time it’s this thin, I’ve always had a thick lining. But this is my first FET so maybe I don’t respond as well 😓

Hi FrancyItaly. Usually the lining needs to be over 8mm so fingers crosed it catches up a bit. Good luck! Diane
Thank you Diane. They said it should be above 7mm but it doesn’t sound great. I wonder why they didn’t give me an extra tablet of estradiol per day? I am taking 3 per day at the moment. Does it harm if I take 4?! Didn’t ask 🤦🏻♀️
I was on 6 tablets a day for my last FET (which worked) so don't worry about upping the dose - they will do it safely.
I wonder why they told me to carry on with only 3. I want to up the dose. Do you think aspiring makes it thicker or thinner? I have started it a week ago.
Hi FrancyItaly. I would stick with what the clinic as prescribed. Give them a ring if you feel you should be taking more. Good luck! Diane
Hi. My clinic state that they prefer over 8mm but anything over 7mm is acceptable. Mine was just over 7 on the scan and they said this was fine. I, however, wanted it thicker and asked to increase the estrogen. I had already had 2 unsuccessful transfers and wanted to maximise chances. They agreed and doubled the dose. My lining did not grow much more between first and second scan but by the time of transfer was about 9mm I think.
Definitely have a further chat with them if you want an explanation regarding the lining and dosage xx
When I had scan last week (6th) it was 9-11mm, my transfer is tomorrow ❤️ You have plenty of time yet xx
No they told me one I stop the estradiol and start Progesterone it will not grow as much in the days before transfer… 😣Best of luck for your transfer tomorrow! 🙏🏻
Hello lovely,I had problems with my medicated cycles as the lining wasn't thick enough, despite the fact that they kept increasing the oestrogen. After two weeks, my lining was only 6 mm so they put me on an ever higher dose of oestrogen and my lining was only just about 7 mm. I was the same as you, on my fresh cycles, I had never had a problem with the lining, so I was quite surprised. So my last (successful) transfer I decided to go on a natural cycle, which I thought was easier for my body.
I wish you lots of luck! xx
Thank you for sharing, for me a natural cycle is not an option as my problem is that I do not ovulate. Thank you! Xx
I am so sorry I said something very unhelpful. My consultant always said that as long as my lining was 7 mm, he would be happy to go ahead. He actually told me that medicated FET have a higher chance of pregnancy, so he was a bit reluctant when I insisted I wanted to go on a natural cycle. You are not that far off, so hopefully, if they increase your medication or you continue taking it for longer, it should get thicker. Good luck!
I was told drinking a pint of whole milk a day can help the lining grow… maybe worth trying at this point?
I was very similar to you good lining naturally but took longer with FET, they did up my oestrogen to 5 a day from 3 but then that’s what I had to take for the 12 weeks to maintain it so perhaps they are trying to avoid this? It can grow .5mm a day I think so hopefully you have a few extra days until your next scan? I agree with above, vitamin E, raspberry leaf tea, whole milk I did all those to help it and worked. Good luck, you’ll get there! Xxx
Hi FrancyItaly, so sorry to hear that and the worry that comes with it.I had pretty much the same thing. Fresh cycle transfer was cancelled due to OHSS but lining was perfect thickness. Started a medicated FET afterwards and lining got stuck at 6.5mm regardless of upping the meds so they cancelled the transfer which was very disappointing at the time. My next 2 FET’s I was on 4 estrogen tablets + patches which seems to have helped as both times the lining was >8mm on the scan day. They told me it can happen and sometimes trial and error with the meds and I guess your body can differ per month as well.
I would follow their advice and guidance even it sucks so hard at that time to maybe not go ahead with the transfer. Better to try a next time with good lining though as you probably don’t want to waste a precious embryo. It helped to keep that in my mind and the guidance they are following in the end is to give you the best chance.
Good luck though! I know I hated it and shed quite some tears being angry at my body not doing what it should do at that time. I think disappointment sadly comes hand in hand with IVF cycles…
They did not up my meds, I am still on 3 estradiol per day which makes me think they believe I will get there on this dosage. The scan tomorrow will tell! Thank you xxx
Ooh good luck with the scan! I have my fingers crossed for you! 🤞🏼
Yes it went well, it’s 8.6mm today. Hopefully it will grow a little more! Thank you xxx
Amazing 🥰🥰🥰 good luck with the transfer and the 2 WW after that! Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Im just going to check my lining today. First of it was perfect, secondbivf it was 6mm and it was unsuccessful. We will see what happens this time...Fingers crossed for you x
How did it go? x
It went well! Thanks for asking ❤️ I almost jumped with happiness on tej chair 🤣 11mm this time. Funny that as I did not do anything differently 🤔 maybe no cranberry juice? More oranges? The transfer is on 19 🤞🤞
How are you?
That’s brilliant! My lining on Thu was 9, I’m happy 🥰 My transfer is on 18th!
Any plans for after the transfer?
What kind of plans?
Relaxing ones 😁 First time after the transfer we went for a walk, second time I went back to work, this year we may go for a meal
I work from home but I will surely carry on with my long daily walks and acupuncture. Yes of course meals out! I still have to finish Grey’s anatomy which I started to watch for my fresh cycle back in July! 😂
Hey - mine varied each IVF cycle. I did various things to thicken it up prior to the next cycle
I have a post on Instagram about this - natural ways to thicken your lining - instagram.com/p/CNPfV2_hI8u...
Things we can do to build a nice juicy lining:
🌻Vitamin E supplementation
🌻Protein rich foods
🌻Vitamin B6
🌻Cod Liver oil
🌻Iron rich foods - beets, seeds, grass-fed & organic red meat, spinach
🌻Iron rich herbs - nettles & hibiscus
🌻Ground flax seed & Maca Root
🌻Castor oil packs
🌻Blood sugar balancing
🌻Stress management
I hope this helps
FrancyItaly and Buisquits good luck for your transfers!! I'm also doing FET and got my endo lining scan on 18th so hoping it's ok to transfer on 24th. Previously did a fresh cycle in June/July and after we went for a meal, probably do the same after this one. Always good to have something to look forward to afterwards x
My last fet i was 8mm and today for my medicated EndomeTRIO cycle im at 6.2 so im hoping and praying my lining thickens. Iv been upped to 3 estrogen orally and 2 vaginally.