Hi Everyone, just on the hunt for a bit of info. I had a consultation n Wednesday confirming both fallopians are blocked with hydrosalpinx. I'm 41 so it was quite devastating to be told I'm now going to have to wait upto 9/10 months as this is the current NHS waiting time for the hydrosalpinx clipping procedure. My IVF can't begin until I've had this sorted and as I said with my age, time is ticking
I've already been waiting for 18 months for appointments / referrals / scans to get this far so just gutted for an even bigger delay.
I've started looking at going private to get the hydrosalpinx sorted so I can get on with the IVF as soon as possible. I've not really been given much advice by the doctor regarding going private (although she did agree it would be to my advantage)but nothing regarding what to ask for specifically or where to approach etc. So many have other procedures listed, and have things such as female sterilisation, tubal ligation, tubal occlusion - which all seem to be the same procedure and outcome (clipping or tying of the fallopian tubes) but no where can I find "Hydrosalpinx Clipping"
Complete removal of the tubes wasn't mentioned by the doctor, just clipping so I've not search for a full salpingectomy.
I've only had one response from many many emails I've sent to private hospitals, and so far I'm looking at nearly £7000!!!
Has anyone had this done private? Could anyone advise on exactly what the procedure is called, any idea on cost?
I really can't afford that much, especially if I end up having to fund the IVF too.