I had my first scan last Friday at 7 weeks pregnant (or 6+6 depending on which calculator I use) and was delighted to see a heartbeat. I am however still struggling with feeling massively anxious about losing this pregnancy. The scan I had was at the EPU, and they offered me another one two weeks further along around 9 weeks (due to their being a second empty sack, probably a vanishing twin). I've also already got a scan booked at my clinic this week at around 7+6 weeks. I'm basically just wondering if it could be harmful to the baby for me to have 3 (internal) scans in 3 weeks? Does anyone have experience around this? Thank you 😊
*sensitive - Is it harmful to have to... - Fertility Network UK
*sensitive - Is it harmful to have too many early pregnancy scans?

I have had scans every two weeks for seven months due to various complications and baby is fine - if it’s medically necessary, I wouldn’t worry. I also raised it with my doctor and he said it was fine. It is normal for IVF clinics to scan all the time xx
Yes, it is ok. We were looking it up too as I had several scans early on - two only 3 days apart. We asked doctors too and were assured it fine.
Hey, in the early stages of my pregnancy, I had scans a lot! From week 5-7, it was sometimes twice a week as I had severe OHSS and was in a lot of pain so the hospital was checking babies as well as my IVF clinic. I then went on to have scans every week until week 13 and every second week since then (I’m 29 weeks now). Babies are perfectly fine 💜 I thought the same as you too but they assured me it doesn’t harm babies xx
First of all congratulations and yes it is completely safe. But once they have seen a heartbeat I would assume they wouldn’t need to do an internal scan and could just do an abdomen one? Unless it’s at the clinic where they do only internal scans xx
Thank you so much everyone for your help and advice, this really has relaxed me, I think I'm going to go ahead with the 2nd scan tomorrow.