Who knows where this will lead us, but after being four days late on AF, I decided to take a test or two this morning. A BFP🥺. I have extremely low AMH and have been told on numerous occasions that I will need to consider donor eggs.
I’ve actually been waiting for AF in order to take the contraceptive pill to start my free NHS round.
I’m posting this to give my fellow Low AMHers hope, it happens!! I could have quite easily stopped trying naturally as the mood has been killed by the looming treatment - but keep trying!!
On a side note, I had experienced strong pains in my abdominal area from last Monday night up until yesterday - once or twice a day, to the point it would make me feel sick and I’d have to take paracetamol to dull the pain. Can this be normal? Being part of this forum has been great, but it’s opened my eyes to so many issues that us ladies deal with in early pregnancy incl. chemicals, ectopics etc and so it’s only making me panic!