I got given 10000 Gonasi to trigger last night as two separate injections of 5000. Annoyingly we dropped the contents of the one of the syringes so I only actually triggered 5000 clinic have reassured me it’s fine, but I feel so worried my egg maturity rate won’t be good now and I’ve compromised my treatment.
Gonasi trigger shot mess up - Fertility Network UK
Gonasi trigger shot mess up

Hi lovely, if you check out my previous posts I also did this!! I think I got about 70% of the Gonasi 5000 and was absolutely convinced it wasn’t going to work. It was totally fine and we actually ended up with 14 eggs and 4 blasts. Xx
Thanks for your reassurance. Did you do 70% of the 5000 dose? Or 70% of the 10000 dose? I’m worried it’s going to affect the maturing process and quality. Do you think it has any affect on the egg implanting once you have it transferred back too? This is my first cycle so I’m extra nervous I think. X
Yes just 70% of the 5000 🤦🏼♀️So hardly any!! I was absolutely convinced it wasn’t going to work.
I don’t think it has any affect on the eggs/ embryos at all as we PGS tested after and 2 of the 4 were normal. Try not to worry. I think they always over prescribe anyway xx
Thank you, I’m so glad I asked on here! I was in floods of tears last night and felt we had wasted this entire collection, I’ve just seen your previous post now and I had the exact same thing happen the needle popped off the end halfway through injecting! I keep replaying it in my head as I’m always so careful to check that it’s pushed on properly but now I’m doubting myself if I did that. If we need to an another collection at some point I’m asking for a spare trigger shot as it’s so much pressure getting that right x
Oh me too! It was a midnight trigger and I was so tired - and just didn't take the care I should have - then just felt so stupid!! Thankfully that was our last collection but I said exactly the same and would request a second one in case. I'm sure you'll be fine - good luck! Let me know how you get on xx
Thanks I’ll let you know how it goes! That’s good to hear you’ve had a successful cycle despite the trigger shot issue, that’s gives me hope and makes me feel better that it can still work despite the mess up and won’t change the outcome of egg successfully implanting x
Absolutely! Will you be having a fresh transfer? x
Yes fresh transfer for the first one then will freeze any others we have left. Think I’ll feel more relaxed post egg collection, found it generally ok up until last night, it was going too smoothly something had to go wrong 😂 excited to have this bit done with tomorrow and then I can relax a bit I think takes some of the pressure off once eggs are collected I’m hoping 🤞🏼
Ah great - good luck!! I always found the egg collection part exciting! Fingers crossed for some good ones x
I feel a bit like some of symptoms have subsided today, since doing my trigger 🙈 I felt really twingy and full when doing STIMs and Cetrotide, now since trigger I feel like it’s not so bad. I hope that’s not a bad thing x
Not a bad thing! Your body gets used to the meds and the symptoms recede - this happens with most areas of IVF! xx
Done! Am on way home. Sedation was ok actually! Bit crampy and sore on my right side but feel alright! Got 9 follicles and 6 eggs. I felt a bit disappointed as when I had the scan on Monday she said she reckoned I would get 15 follicles. So don’t understand how that can be so different?
6 eggs doesn’t give us much chance as not all of those will be mature or fertilise. Bit gutted. Can’t help but think if I hadn’t have messed up that second trigger shot would the result have been different, cos the trigger shots gives you follicles and egg number is that right? X
Aww well done! 6 eggs is great - maybe not what you expected but you never know...
It is possible that the trigger wasn't strong enough - but at least you got some! I was told that they would put me to sleep and there might possibly not be any at all.
So the follicles contain the eggs - or rather they turn in to the eggs - so once you've taken the trigger they release the eggs in to your ovaries.
Rest up and drink lots of water - fingers crossed for good fertilisation rate! xx
Ah ok so the amount of eggs will have been the same wether the trigger shot worked or not? If it doesn’t create the eggs themselves? X
Exactly - if you had 6 follicles, you would only be able to get maximum 6 eggs from that - regardless of the trigger xx
Clinic just called, all 6 of myeggs are mature! Am so pleased! Phew!
Now just have to wait and see how many fertilise, they will ring me with an update tomorrow x
Brilliant news!! Everything crossed xx
Hope this isn’t TMI, I’ve got to start the pessaries tonight. Never done them before in my life for anything! Doing them rectally, do you sit on the loo and do them, lay down? Like how is best to get the position right 🙈 thank you! X
Just in a squat pose is best. If you do them rectally you don’t need to lie down after… xx
I just stand up and give it a good shove 😂 x

That sounds like a good idea! 🤪🙊🙌🏽
Hope you got some good news today for your fertilisation ❤️
5 have fertilised! Am so pleased. Will have to see how many make it to day 5 though, which is Monday, also our transfer day. Am keeping everything crossed 🤞🏼I’ve felt so exhausted and sore/bruised feeling today after collection yesterday, think I underestimated how the recovery would be from this bit. Also the trapped wind is so uncomfortable 😂
That’s brilliant news!! Everything crossed for the next few days.Ah yes, the bloating can be awful… drink lots of water ❤️ Xx
Thank you! We are keeping everything crossed 🤞🏼 Hoping I get a good nights sleep tonight, I just couldn’t get comfortable yesterday evening! X
How did you find recovery after egg retrieval? My left side feels fine but my right side feels quite ‘bruised’ internally and sore, laying down flat in bed then trying to sit up, doing that motion seems to be when it hurts the most. (Don’t have OHSS systems luckily) It’s just that side that’s bothering me. I’m on day 3 now post retrieval I thought I would feel totally back to normal by now? I’m not sure of the expected recovery length X
I also did 5000 and it was fine! 12 eggs 4 blasts. I think if they were concerned they would have tried to get an emergency one to you or dely. Clinic are fine with it so try not to worry! Alot easier said than done. Hope your collection goes well. X
Done! Am on way home. Sedation was ok actually! Bit crampy and sore on my right side but feel alright! Got 9 follicles and 6 eggs. I felt a bit disappointed as when I had the scan on Monday she said she reckoned I would get 15 follicles. So don’t understand how that can be so different?
6 eggs doesn’t give us much chance as not all of those will be mature or fertilise. Bit gutted. Can’t help but think if I hadn’t have messed up that second trigger shot would the result have been different, cos the trigger shots gives you follicles and egg number is that right? X