DNA fragment testing after chromosome... - Fertility Network UK

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DNA fragment testing after chromosome miscarriage outcome

Blue2816 profile image
18 Replies

Hi all,

Looking for some advice or help if anyone has even done this.

Following failed transfer wnd then a missed miscarriage at 9.5 weeks. Our tissue testing showed chromosome abnormalities snd now we have devised to start from day one and try for more eggs. I’m really scared the same thing happens even if we ever get to that point again.

Has anyone ever had dna testing?

This time we will be doing pgta testing and icsi which we didn’t before. If we are lucky enough to get eggs.

Im just scared if there’s a sperm issue or egg issue I just feel very all over the place snd scared xxx

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Blue2816 profile image
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18 Replies
pink_lemon profile image

Hi Blue2816, yes, we did that. Two missed early mmcs from natural pregnancies. Second one came back as chromosome abnormalities. We were both in our very late 30s already. We did both of our karyotypes and I organised my partner’s sperm DNA fragmentation test too, although no doctor asked for it - just to be sure! All came back normal so it was down to egg quality. Did PGS embryo testing too to only choose normal (or mosaic) embryos and avoid more miscarriages. Doing all this helped us get piece of mind for transfers as well.

Blue2816 profile image
Blue2816 in reply to pink_lemon

Hi pink lemon,

Thank u so much for responce.

That’s exactly my thoughts. Although out doctor has said I wouldn’t bother doing the dna fragment. As we will do the Icsi and pgta testing. But I don’t imagine that would help if there’s a sperm or egg issue?

Did these help u for future transfers?

Yes exactly that it’s cost I very scary amount already to get to this point and I’m petrified of putting my body and head through it again incase of the worst. Even tho I am and will keep going regardless, jiay a bit worried.

If u don’t mind me asking how did u geg on with transfer following testing? And because it was egg quality, how was fat resolved fo improve it?

Thank you so much, I should also add we are both 35 xx

pink_lemon profile image
pink_lemon in reply to Blue2816

I am not really sure what would the difference be if there was a DNA fragmentation on my partner’s side. Our sperm was just fine. Someone else could help answer that part. Not sure if ISCI can help chose good sperm? I just knew I needed to know before moving forward and know what the plan was in case there was a problem before putting myself through 30+ belly injections and the cost of ivf. My egg quality was not resolved. My first FS told us either keep trying naturally or do ivf with pgs testing. I desperately wanted to avoid more miscarriages and get my eggs out while there were some. So trying naturally was only the very last option if nothing else worked. He put me on DHEA (results of whether this helps are inconclusive). I did fish oil, healthy diet and lots of rest - but have no proof of whether this did anything at all.

3 rounds. Total of 19 eggs collected. Total of 11 fertilised. Most stopped growing by day 3. Total of 3 made it to top quality 5 day blast. All tested and (I still can’t believe the luck) 2 pgs normal, 1 no result. Our first FET was still alive at 12 weeks scan on Friday, 2 embryos are sleeping in the freezer for later.

Having a pgs tested embryo trasferred gave me a piece of mind once it implanted, as the rate of miscarriage for these drops significantly. I was still in anxiety hell the first few weeks and still cannot sleep some nights but it would have been much worse without all the tests.

In relation to your age, we are all different. I don’t think I was statistically speaking supposed to have 2 out of three embryos normal at my age, after 2 mmcs and with nearly non-existent AMH. But equally one of the doctors from my clinic posted on the website blog she went through 3 mmcs, decided to do ivf to test embryos, did 6 rounds, all embryos coming back abnormal, 6th round gave her 2 normal, transferred one and got a healthy pregnancy. She was 36 at that time.

So it is individual and depends on how much you want to control the process and what the financial options are. I am in Australia and doing all these pre-tests were pretty much covered for us, DNA frag was relatively cheap and doing pgs test was way cheaper than a FET, so it made sense for us to test rather than just keep trying and hoping that ‘this is the one’.

I think a lot of people here would tell you not to worry after one mmc, that can happen to people in their 20s too since 25% of pregnancies end up in early miscarriage. You need to evaluate what feels best for you.

I did lots of reading on embryos and pgs testing and the success rates of tested and non-tested embryos and that was what convinced me to go down that route.

Blue2816 profile image
Blue2816 in reply to pink_lemon

Thank you for reply.

Yes I’m concerned due to when I had egg ret in January I got 16 eggs and only 4 fertilised. Then failed transfers, and then MMC.

The tissue came back chromosome issues which is why I’m so concerned if it’s sperm issue maybe. This time we are starting from beginning and going pgta testing and Icsi so I just don’t know if that will by pass any chromosome issues as the doctor seems to think it will and don’t need dna testing but I’m unsure xx

pink_lemon profile image
pink_lemon in reply to Blue2816

Sounds like you are on a good track, already have lots of information and about to do more testing to be able to plan for success. The frustrating part about a fertility journey I found was the discovering the issues along the way bit by bit. Had we all known it all at the beginning…As the reply below says, embryo testing, especially after certain age helps heaps to avoid disappointment. Most abnormal embryos never implant and if they do they end up in early loss. While normal or even mosaic have great success rates. It was 50% live birth per transfer for my age group, it is more for younger people. Untested comes down steeply to little over 10%.

Where I was reading sperm quality supplements did not necessarily have proven impact on sperm quality but if you find you have that issue, you can look into it too and look at changes in diet etc.

Good luck with your journey. I will look out for your updates.

Hanj10 profile image

After 5 natural miscarriages we started IVF and did sperm dna fragmentation testing which came back high fragmentation so hubby did 3 months high antioxidant supplements before we did ICSI. We got 9 embryos pgta tested and 5 came back normal. I’m 36 and hubby 42. For us it was about reducing the chances of another miscarriage. 2 of our losses were blighted ovum’s so definitely chromosome issues.

Blue2816 profile image
Blue2816 in reply to Hanj10

Hi hanj10

Thank you for reply,

That’s amazing u had those embryo left after testing that’s amazing. Do u think that was on the back of the antioxidant supplements? Is it a case of tablets for three months to help sperm quality?

I’m concerned due to when I had egg ret in January I got 16 eggs and only 4 fertilised. Then failed transfers, and then MMC.

The tissue came back chromosome issues which is why I’m so concerned if it’s sperm issue maybe. This time we are starting from beginning and going pgta testing and Icsi so I just don’t know if that will by pass any chromosome issues as the doctor seems to think it will and don’t need dna testing but I’m unsure xxx

Hanj10 profile image
Hanj10 in reply to Blue2816

Yeah it was tablets called menevit. For us we just thought it was worth trying to treat a possible cause before spending loads on the cycle so we will never know if it’s the tablets that made the difference or if just doing ICSI anyway would have given same results. We had 13 eggs, 12 fertilise, 9 blasts so I think that means the egg quality was good. Our first FET failed but then I was tested for immune issues which came back as a problem so was given intralipids and steroids and I’m now 34 weeks pregnant after our 2nd FET.

Blue2816 profile image
Blue2816 in reply to Hanj10

Massive congratulations to u that’s wonderful.

I also have immune issues and had intralipids bur MMC at 9.5 weeks.

Did you need to get the tablets prescribed? I think I may Jiat do the dna frag testing ( well for my other half) as he is open to do it and I’m so scared incase there’s an issue. Even tho ideally don’t want to wait another 3 months but if it is going to help then it’s the way forward.

Did u do Icsi and pgta testing xxx

Blue2816 profile image
Blue2816 in reply to Hanj10

Sorry so yeah 9 where tested and 5 came back normal? Xx

Hanj10 profile image
Hanj10 in reply to Blue2816

Yes did ICSI and pgta and yes 5 embryos chromosomally normal with the other 4 being chromosome additions or deletions so no mosaics. The intralipids and steroids were both prescribed by my clinic. I did 2 intralipids before transfer then 1 at bfp and 1 at 8 weeks. X

Running79 profile image


We did sperm DNA fragmentation test straight away before we started round 1, due to my husbands age, he was mid 50’s at the time. Came back mainly normal apart from the morphology was on the slightly lower side, so it was suggested to do ICSI

First round Our first transfer we got a BFP which ended in MC at 6 weeks the next transfer failed.

Round two first transfer failed and the other two embryos we PGTA tested they were both chromosomally abnormal

So that led us into round three, where we had decided it was an egg quality issue as I was 41 at that stage, so my 30 yr old sister donated and my husbands sperm was used

We are now 36 + 2 so for us the path we took was the right one

Blue2816 profile image
Blue2816 in reply to Running79

Congratulations on your news.

Yeah I think you don’t really know if it’s egg or soerm even if you do ohs testing do you?

We’re doing Icsi and pgta testing this round. I’m due to start stims next week again so hoping for better fertilisation this time x

FrancyItaly profile image

I had the miscarriage tissue analysed recently. Out of curiosity, why are they not doing some tests on you and your husband before going for another cycle?

Blue2816 profile image
Blue2816 in reply to FrancyItaly

I have had several tests already done as we have paid private from day one we have had a load done already. Changing things this time and getting Icsi and pgta and dna testing

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Blue2816

Wishing you all the best on this cycle! 🌈

Blue2816 profile image
Blue2816 in reply to FrancyItaly

Thank u so much, u too x

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Blue2816

Thank you! Xxx

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