So we had 6 embryos that fertilised of which 3 made it to 5 days- we then had PGS testing as I have had 4 natural miscarriages and no embryos were viable. This time we used proven donor eggs and husbands sperm. Cancelled flight and hotel as was due to transfer next Wednesday - Nurse suggests there could be a problem genetically with husbands sperm but sperm analysis was fine- we have a son (7yrs) already from natural conception - gutted to say the least- all of this time I had thought because of my age it was my eggs not viable- I’m just tired thinking about it all.
No viable embryos after testing- gutted - Fertility Network UK
No viable embryos after testing- gutted

Oh honey I'm so gutted for you both!! Sending love & hugs. I'm so sorry.😢xx
I am so sorry x
I’m sorry to hear this, I had ours tested and we got the one out of 6. From reading up I was lucky to get the one. It is upsetting but does not mean there is anything wrong , people who don’t have tested may also have this amount of non viable and the way I looked at it is that I could have had those non viable transferred and been going through miscarriages. Some of mine where top grade embryos but did not have the normal amount of chromosomes. It is frustrating but don’t give up and keep believing x x
Thanks Gem, I was really hoping for at least one! Yes I suppose I am glad we didn’t implant 3 and all failed -I’d be more than 6 months down the line still with noting so trying to look on the bright side. I don’t think we will give up just yet just got to get my head around it all. X
That’s why we did because of the time it would taken to have transferred and the heartache. I’m glad your not giving up, it is upsetting coz I felt the same and deflated. It’s harsh but I guess you have to think that those embryos would not have made a healthy baby. It only takes one , keep going , your one will be there x
I have no words I’m so sorry. What do you think your do now??
We have been told we might have to do PGD (not pgs) testing. Also having genetic bloods this Monday as never had them. Have you had any bloods taken for genetics ?? x
Thank you Missy. I’m not sure yet, still trying to process - it’s been a busy weekend so haven’t really had a chance to discuss it all with my husband. Whether we spend time testing or try double donor - no we haven’t had any genetic testing as we have a son already so it it was never suggested- please let me know how you get on. What is Pgd exactly?
Hi there
I had my IVF with PGD treatment done in October. I have 1 healthy frozen embryo to use. I had 4 embryos tested and 1 was a healthy embryo. I am just waiting on AF to start so I can book my FET treatment.
Hi oh wishing you all the best for your FET- I wished I could have got at least one! So good luck. What made you have the testing done?
I’m so sorry about your recent results. Its utterly confusing isn’t it!! You’re doing everything right and giving it a proper shot so please don’t blame yourselves. Look after each other xx
So sorry to hear this hon. Despite my age, we decided not to test as we're doing IVF privately and it would have added a lot to the expense - but then you start to ask yourself whether these embryos that have been transferred even have any chance of making it to term, and the uncertainty is pretty bad too.
I hope that after you have a bit of time to process and to enjoy the holidays as much as possible with friends and family you can come back with a new plan in 2019 xxx
Oh I’m so sorry to read this, you must be truly gutted 😢 so sorry xx
Again so sorry you had to go through this.
7 years can be a big change in your husband's health and viability also.
Semen analysis doesn't cover everything
Just count and motility - not quality necessarily and no chromosomal issues.
It would be an idea to ask the clinic what tests they recommend for sperm analysis and is your husband taking any supplements etc and dietary changes ?
It can take 4-6 months so might be worth starting those straight away whilst you find out more answers
Good luck xx
Yes I realised that now we always just assumed it was my eggs as that’s what the dr’s said and due to my age! Now I think I’m definitely too old to use my own eggs! Or if I wanted to try it could be more money wasted- will look into the tests - he is on some supplements now - we have both been on a very good diet for the last 2 yrs to be honest. X
How old are you if you don't mind me asking ?
You could possibly do an egg collection in the meantime also.
Maybe they could do a dual fertilisation process and screen the embryos side by side?
May be worth asking. Depends how important it is to you to use your own eggs.
Hey Saya, this was a DE cycle.xx
Hiya - yep I know but londonrc just mentioned in her reply she was considering using her own eggs possibly if the issue isn't hers.
Depends on if they had picked up any other issues or it was just dismissed due to age x
I’m 45 yrs old - will be 46 in jan. yes I’m going to look into the dual fertilisation etc- I just need to find a reasonable clinic to do all that and discuss it with. I had slowly come around to the idea of donor egg but to have to consider double donor is messing with my head. I’ll talk to a few clinics in the meantime and see what they say too. Thanks for all your suggestions. X