3rd transfer done and the 2ww begins! Feeling optimistic so far (please make that last) after having 2 of our embryos put back. After a miscarriage 1st round and BFN 2nd round and 2 holidays I’ve had a bit of a reset mentally. Been reading loads of stories on this forum and cannot believe how incredibly strong women are. It’s so inspiring and thank you to so many, it’s helped me so much. Now the waiting…sat with my feet up in the sunshine. Good luck to all of those in the same or similar positions 🤞🏽❤️
3rd Transfer - 🤞🏽 3rd time lucky PL... - Fertility Network UK
3rd Transfer - 🤞🏽 3rd time lucky PLEASE

Wishing you all the best in your 2WW 🍀🤞 Take care of yourself, get plenty of sleep and I wish u the most beautiful BFP on your OTD. I'll be doing my 4th transfer in a couple of weeks 🤞
Oh the very best of luck 🤞❤ currently in my 2 week wait since last Friday. It is like torture 🙄 hopefully we get the outcome we are looking for. ☘☘ xx
DOCIreland how you getting on? We got a BFN 😭 - so devastated, really hoped and prayed it had worked especially as we put two back. Not giving up yet. Will have a break then go again. Hope you get your Miracle xx
Sorry to hear your news Elizabeth1988, hope you’re feeling ok. Was this your first round of ivf? Do you still have further embryos in the freezer? Have you made a follow up appointment with your consultant to work out the next steps. You are young so you have lots of time on your side. In the meantime - do something to treat and spoil yourself xxxx
Thank you hoping2021! Luckily had a holiday planned so that’s keeping my mind off being too sad for now. I have a follow up when we’re home to work out next steps. It was our 3rd round. We do have another 7 embryos in the freezer but feeling deflated after now using 4 that haven’t stuck! All the best foe your journey too, and thank you for your message xxx