My first round of ivf, bfp that resulted into a miscarriage 2nd round a bfn. Feeling a little lost and think maybe motherhood wasn’t meant for me. Does anyone have a 3rd time lucky story? As this is my last round of ivf
Has anyone been 3rd time lucky?? - Fertility Network UK
Has anyone been 3rd time lucky??

No positive result for me yet, but I know loads of people 3rd time lucky, or 4th etc. If your age etc all ok, our gynae consultant recommended 3 or 4 tries to give yourself a 'decent go'. Very much hope for success for you this time xx
Just about start my third round so I hope I’ll be third time lucky, good luck with your next round xx
Bless you!! It’s so tough and draining. I’ve gone through 6 rounds of ivf and spent a fortune and had a lot of heart ache, 3 ERPC’s and 6 pregnancy losses in total (including losses pre ivf) but currently almost 9 weeks pregnant with my 6th cycle. Still early days but you’ve got to keep the faith and keep trying 🙏🏼Xxx
One of my best friends had her little girl 3rd round of IVF.
She had super low AMH and had been told the chance of IVF working was very low. Her doctor had discouraged a third round.
But...3rd cycle was successful - they only got 2 eggs, one fertilised and they had a 3 day embryo transfer with a relatively poor quality embryo...she’s now a 2.5 year old healthy little girl! A little miracle ❣️xx
I suppose I am 3rd time lucky.
1st - no fertilisation - cancelled cycle
2nd - fresh transfer BFN
3rd - FET and a BFP (still early days though) 🤞
Good luck xx
Congratulations. I hope it will be my 3rd time lucky too. How long did you wait for your round 3 after round 2? xx
I had round 1 in October/early Nov
2nd Fresh was Feb and AF came around Mar 9.
FET started on the bleed after that so around April 1. It came about a week early which was weird. And then it took me about 3 weeks on estrogen to get the lining thickness up. Had transfer on April 26. So it was pretty much right away. I was so sad and frustrated with the BFN and just wanted to try again soon. I insisted on getting a cancellation slot for my follow up appointment which thankfully I did and started on the next cycle otherwise my appt would have been this week (and instead I’m here almost 5wks pregnant). I was worried I was starting so soon and people say to give your body time to relax after the hormones etc etc. I was on the long protocol and i knew I’d have a medicated FET so I didn’t see the point in ‘clearing’ my body of hormones only to have more put back in. Of course I was worried when my period came earlier than expected - seems like nothing. Was going right at any stage and then it worked out!
I was third time lucky. First fresh round bfn - fet #1 bfn - fet #2 bfp resulted in my little girl. Xxx
Now currently also 14 weeks pregnant from my second fresh round xxx
We did! After two BFN and a large number of embryos stopping to develop past day 4. We changed clinic, went a new protocol and I am now 30 weeks pregnant with 6 blastocysts in the freezer. Keep faith and don’t hesitate to question your consultant thoroughly before embarking on the third one. If they can’t manage to explain the first two failures, then better to wait I would say.
Good luck.