Second round of ivf, long protocol rather than short this time, last time 4 eggs retrieved all rubbish and none fertilised. This time I’ve had my day 10 scan and I have got one follicle at 18mm and the others are tiny. I don’t want to go to egg collection with the potential of getting one egg I’m so fed up with the whole thing. This is just never going to happen for us we can’t even get to fertilisation stage it makes me so sad and angry. It’s such a lot to go through for absolutely nothing. I know people say it only takes one but I don’t hold the hope with that mantra it takes more than 1 to even get to that point. Sorry just a vent really, I don’t know how you incredible ladies do this time and time again when the majority of the journey is sadness and disappointment. You are true true heroes xx
I don’t know how you all do it - Fertility Network UK
I don’t know how you all do it

I’m sorry your are having a rubbish time. I wish there were some words of wisdom I can offer to cheer you up but I can’t. However I can offer you love and support and say that we are all here for each other. So vent away and do whatever you need to do to make yourself realise that you are just as strong and also a hero xxx
This is such a lovely message thanks Ruby I just feel like other people seem to deal with it so well and I just get really annoyed and frustrated by the process. I suppose it’s just my way of dealing with it. My consultant called today and has confirmed that this cycle is cancelled, onto the next one x
I understand your frustrations. I am having a very good AMH of 35 but 3 of my IVF cycles produced only one embryo. 4th one was the lucky number for us and we had 4 embryos - 3 PGS normal. Keep trying, get well informed about this whole process, stay positive and be persistent this is the key to success. Try to change all the time something, you will be closer and closer to a positive outcome with each cycle you go through. First cycle most of the time is like a trial for you and your clinic, no one knows how your body will react, you are just learning. Second cycle if is the same outcome change the clinic. Don't lose your hopes so early, good luck 🤞♥️😃
It can be frustrating but look at the bigger picture of what you want. IVF can be so tunnel visioned but try and get out of that mind set.. if the consultant hasn’t said it has failed there is still a chance so grab on to that chance and run with it. It only takes one embryo to get a baby or two. Don’t lose hope coz hope is half the battle for all of us.
P.S I hadn’t seen your cycle has been cancelled. But don’t lose hope even with a cancelled cycle cos the consultant t and you have learned something to change for the next one.
Hi there,
This was me a few years ago. I tried long short and coflare protocol and I just didn't respond to the drugs. I was also on highest dose. Out of 3 rounds got to egg collection once but it ended up being a cyst so had nothing to show for it. I can completely understand what you're going through. It's so tough going through all the injections, scans and hormones with nothing to put back. After a bit of a break, I then decided to change clinic - one which specialises in natural modified ivf - and had much better results. Have 4 blastos in the freezer. The protocol is much milder and suited me much better too.
Hope you can find a way forward and find something that works better.
He Perello I’m sorry you’ve gone through it with the different protocols but nice to know someone understands. The frustration is real. I’m also on highest dose 450 menopur so I will consider this although I don’t think my clinic favours the mild protocol. If you wouldn’t mind could you message me with the clinic you have used xx also amazing to have 4 Frosties xx