Hi, I just had a FET transfer 4 days ago.
the transfer itself was very difficult due to my narrow cervix. I was too much in pain amd I wanted over so I didn't ask any questions. For example there was no mention of the lining thickness. It was last checked 9 days before the transfer. Should it have been mentioned?
Also I started the progesterone pessaries 6 days before the day of the transfer, on Wednesday and transfer on Tuesday. I have read that the standard is 5 days. Is it a problem to do it a day later?
No blood test to check for progesterone level was done.
Also in regards to timing again ,it was meant to be in the morning but the day before they called to say it would be in the afternoon because the doctor was double booked.
Does a difficult transfer affect the outcome?
Not feeling very optimistic anyway but after all this it's even worse.