I’ve been told I’ll have a scan again Monday, holding off the suppression until then. It’s such a blow. The one thing that had improved after my miscarriage was the follicles and now they’re worse than when I started a year ago. I had 8 last ivf cycle at my first stimulation scan and that was with a lower baseline AFC of 5, whereas had 10 at baseline AFC 2 months ago (and a double in my AMH from 4-8) and now just 4 follicles (6-8mm) showing today..
4 follicles at first stimulation scan... - Fertility Network UK
4 follicles at first stimulation scan (day 5 short protocol), anyone been in a similar position?
Hi lovely, my last cycle I had 6 follicles at baseline compared to 18 previously.It turns out that at my next scan a few more had popped up (I always thought that what they saw on day 1 was all you got) and I ended up with 14 retrieved. So you never know, don’t lose hope.
Also I think that lower numbers of follicles can often mean better quality, so try not to worry too much. Best of luck xx
Thank you so much for your reply. Do you remember the sort of sizes of the initial ones they saw on your first scan? That is so helpful and encouraging, I am very grateful to you. What happened in the end for you?xx

I think they were fairly small - definitely not over 10mm. And they will grow for sure.We ended up with 4 blastocysts and one of them is 7 weeks old in my uterus right now 🥰❤️
Fingers crossed for you my lovely xx
Wow that’s brilliant news! I’m so happy for you!! How are you feeling? Can I ask what day of stims your first scan was showing the 6 follicles? Sending you so much love and positivity and best wishes!x

Awww thank you ❤️ I’m a little anxious waiting for our next scan but also very happy. It was a long old road for us! The 6 were seen on day 1, then on day 7 there were 14 xx
That gives me hope. That’s awesome! Please keep me posted how everything evolves for you. I’m really excited to hear your story and am very grateful to you xx
Ps did you have a background of low amh or afc number? What number of follicles did you expect to start with?

I’m not sure of the numbers actually, but they weren’t excellent! Xx
I had more follicles my first two times and only 3 this third time, BUT we got one healthy embryo from it. It'll be ready for transfer in September So, have hope hunny!! You just need one!!
That’s amazing thank you so much for reaching out and sharing such hope! Do you mind me asking a bit more about your journey..? Did you start with 3 or was it just 3 that were big enough by trigger? What was your protocol?xx

I believe the first time we had 7 follicles, 5 eggs and 3 fertilized. Unfortunately none made it to embryo. The second time, we had 6 follicles, 3 eggs and 3 fertilized. One made it to an embryo but it tested for down syndrome. This time, we had 9 follicles, but only 7 eggs and 3 fertilized. One made it to an embryo and it tested 100% healthy!! So, we get to do transfer in September. It's been quite a journey. They say third times the charm lol. Let's just hope it attaches nicely. So, you have 4 follicles now? That's good!! And you never know. You might grow more.
I’m wishing you so so so much luck! What are you doing to prep for transfer? Anything in particular?xxx

I have to call my doctor on day one of my period and start all the meds. In the meantime, I don't know what to do. Any suggestions??
I’ve never gotten that far so probably not the best person to ask, but read a lot about things to improve the lining like pomegranate juice, raspberry leaf tea (prior to transfer), vitamin e, l-arginine. But if your lining thickens normally you probably just need to take the meds they say and let your body do it’s thing!xx

Raspberry leaf tea sounds amazing. I'm not sure what else to do either lol. Just try and be healthy I guess!!
I had one scan on stims at day 9, showed 4 follicles. I was devastated. Pulled the trigger the next night. At collection they got 7 eggs, from those 7 we got 5 embryos. Currently 32 wks pregnant with 3 in the freezer (1 blastocyst not suitable for freezing).
I was also short protocol. I think they aim for quality over quantity. Wishing you all the best of luck x
Wow so they saw 4 follicles and you got 7 eggs in that cycle? That’s amazing. Yes I keep saying to myself quality not quantity… thank you for reaching out and giving me some hope. I’m so delighted to hear your story that’s absolutely incredible. How are you feeling?xx

Yes 7 was a real shock because I had in my head we'd be lucky to get 3 eggs from 4 follicles and maybe 1 embryo. I never dreamed it would work, but it can do. I hope you have similar results.
I'm feeling terrified and uncomfortable and excited (but mainly terrified). It probably took until 20 weeks to believe this was really happening. I never believed it would actually work! I think IVF takes so much away from you that even when it works you can't believe it is really happening and you expect the worst at all times.
I can do appreciate how terrifying it must be. And yes how now it might be starting to sink in that it’s actually happening. I’m so bloody happy for you! You reaching out has really made such a difference to me, thank you xx
During my cycle last year. We had 8 eggs only 3 embryos. I had all 3 transplanted and now I have twin boys born in March. Have faith.
My understanding is they don’t generally tend to scan until around day 8/9 of stims partly because so much can change in the interval. Is there any reason why they scanned you earlier? What dose of stims are you on, if you don’t mind me asking? As per the other responses on this thread, I rly don’t think the follicle number on your scan is v meaningful and I reckon more and going to sprout in the days ahead! I am on day 3 of stims for my 2nd IVF cycle, feeling a bit paranoid about things too and considering an early scan but not sure because it will prob be more confusing than anything else.. 🤷🏻♀️
Hello, thanks for your reaching out and your reassuring words. How are you getting on so far? What protocol and doses are you in? What happened in your first cycle if you don’t mind me asking? So I’m on 450IU Ovaleap currently, will change to 375 Ovaleap and 75 Menopur from Monday, next scan is then. They said when they booked the scans that they didn’t want me to wait as long as Monday. However I sort of wish I had as it’s sent me into a bit of a spiral, and I keep questioning if there’s something I’ve done that might have dropped my follicle number (I even did testosterone priming on top of existing DHEA use for this cycle so was really hoping for an improvement). I would say wait for you your scan as scheduled, I guess early scan is great if there’s lots of a activity so is reassuring, but might unnecessarily concern you if there isn’t but things could change? Reality is they will keep you on the drugs til a couple of scans at least in to post day 7-8 stims so it won’t change what you’re doing for now? The paranoia can be immense though can’t it? It’s all I can think about tbh xx

We are cycle buddies! I’m on long protocol this time for the first time, on 225IU pergoveris, which is an FSH/LH combo. I think your protocol sounds really sensible for a short cycle. My first IVF cycle was about a year ago, short protocol with gonal F, and it went well in that there were 3 good blastocysts out of 8 fertilised eggs (9 eggs collected overall) - but a failed cycle as the day3 transfer didn’t implant. It’s a v long story but I’ve been doing it in Copenhagen and the pandemic combined with my job has caused loads of logistical drama and delays, so I decided to use lockdown in tbe winter to do an egg freeze cycle in London and it went rly badly - 300 units of menopur, short protocol, one follicle got big early on (after only 3 injections / day 4 of the stims it was v dominant!) and then I basically lost follicles - from 5/6 decent sized ones only 2 were present on retrieval day. I am a doctor and have had a crash course in this whole thing, so I was doing my own monitoring and realised something was wrong early on but the clinic didn’t really listen to me 🙄. The good thing is I was not surprised at all to hear about the drop off when I woke up from the anaesthesia - while they were all confused! Lol
To continue my long story I then had a failed FET in April and found it quite hard to recover from. The clinic I was with were driving me insane with their inconsistent communication and shoddy advice, so I decided to switch clinics and do another IVF and I am feeling LOADS better as a result 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Can I check, what day was your first scan done in your previous cycle? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your current cycle - it’s good those 4 are growing evenly and there’s still loads of time for smaller hiding ones to pop up. Are you injecting in the evenings?
Hello, we are cycle buddies! And doctor cycle buddies at that! I’m not sure if the medical brain/knowledge is a help or hindrance… overall it makes you question when something isn’t feeling right instead of having blind faith but the ability to agonise over every detail and get caught up in all the medical literature along the way can be quite exhausting! You have had a long and tough road by the sounds of things. What was your baseline amh and afc? I’m so sorry to hear about the failed cycles. All that hope and emotion and for it to be over like that must be so hard. My first cycle I got just 2 eggs and neither fertilised, plus my lining was just 2.5mm at retrieval so I was in many ways so far off any sort of transfer experience. I had hoped all the DHEA and testosterone would have helped my follicle numbers, but I seem to be worse off this time. I had 8 follicles on my day 7 scan last time. However, like you said day 4/5 is very early to scan and I should reserve judgement til next week. It’s so hard to just go with the process. I’m really sorry the egg freeze was such a let-down. Are you doing your current cycle in uk or Copenhagen? Here for you along the way!x
Ps yes injections at 1945! LMX4 at the ready each time. I also just realised you’re doing donor sperm ivf too. Another buddy similarity. There’s something very unique about something as intense and individual as ivf on your own, so important to be your own best friend in this time xx

Wow a doctor cycle buddy woo hoo! Heading to a friend’s outdoor housewarming BBQ thing but will text later x
That’s great, go enjoy yourself and touch into “normal life” for some much-needed distraction and niceness. Speak later!x
*are not and
This is similar to me today I can see this is an old post how did things work out?