jut interested to hear success stories with only a few follicles as I’m feeling really down after my scan just now 😔
anyone had a baby with 7 follicles at... - Fertility Network UK
anyone had a baby with 7 follicles at day 6 stimulation scan?

Plenty of success stories out there with low numbers. It’s so draining to keep positive though, so keep being kind to yourself particularly whilst you’re on stims. I so wish they gave us lots of examples of other people’s journeys so you see how different each cycle is.
7 follicles all up or 7 measuring a decent size?
heya. I can’t remember numbers at each stage, but I do remember being told not to take results at any one stage as any indication of the final result.
In my 4th cycle I got 22 eggs, 15 fertilised, 3 made it to blastocyst, but no baby - a friend of mine got 8 eggs, 6 fertilised , 4 made it to blastocyst and one worked!
So numbers don’t necessarily mean much, it just takes one good one 💪 x
Our follicles were small at our scan and they delayed EC by a couple of days. Was upsetting at the time but we had 7 embryos make it to day 5 and 5 in total to transfer (2 we're discarded at day 6) there's still lots of chance for yours to catch up or things they can do to help
I had 12 eggs collected but only 5 made it to day 5 blast then we froze our embryo we transfered one embryo and now currently 23 weeks pregnant with twins so honestly don't lose hope it's different for everyone xx
thanks everyone... i'm just stressing because at my last cycle six months ago I had 12 follicles and some of my eggs degenerated overnight when they were collected... I only had 3 in the running to day 5 blastocysts... but one did make it through PGTA screening....? so the egg quality of that one must have been ok... i'm just a bit older now - 41.5 years... so i'm stressing I won't have enough to get a good one amongst them... I think they say 90% are no good at this age on average...
I guess I will just have to wait and see...
Hi, I felt the same anxiety as you, I 100% understand, I was 40 at the time, I had 6 follicles, but only 3 eggs collected (so I gave up hope) , 1 normally fertilised (gave up even more hope) which became 1 little baby boy. It’s not your fertility dwindling, it’s just that each cycle is different. I was devastated that 3 follicles were empty but actually I didn’t need to be. The time before I had 7 follicles, 7 eggs, 1 blastocyst and a BFN. Try and stay positive, keep going and yes there are average numbers which the doctors tell us but they don’t know in which order those eggs will come up so take it from me, even the most disappointing cycles can be the one that worked 🍀 🍀🤞🤞
hey just wanted to update you that my situation is now looking similar to how yours did! Although not sure mine will be a happy ending! They collected 6 eggs but they said 3 were not mature? Only one fertilised and the other two didn’t! EC was yesterday… I’ve got to wait for the call in the morning to see how the little one remaining is doing 😟
I know someone who had 2 follicles and 1 egg! And had a baby!

wow bet she was over the moon!
sending you lots of good luck wishes xx
I had 4 follicles on day 9. Absolutely devastated, thought we were out. Managed to get 7 eggs, 5 blastocysts, 1 baby (so far).
I can’t remember exact numbers but I remember getting to my final scan and the clinician said ‘oh dear…I need to speak to the consultant as with so few, we may have to abandon the cycle!’
Those few minutes felt like hours and she breezily came back in and said ‘The consultant says it’s fine to continue.’
We ended up with 7 eggs, all fertilised and developed into 3 blasts! The first one we transferred is my 5 year old son.
It’s so hard not to get caught up with numbers but it really does just take one!!
Good luck to you x
thank you! i'm just trying to stay calm now... I can feel the meds are working cos my stomach is blowing up... I think from memory this is the pattern from my last cycle but I think I just had a few more to play with from the beginning... we will see...