Laparoscopy and Hysterscopy - Nervous... - Fertility Network UK

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Laparoscopy and Hysterscopy - Nervous / bad reaction after HyCoSy… any experience?

29 Replies

Hi lovelies,

I am going to be having a Laparoscopy and Hysterscopy, to investigate endometriosis. All part of the infertility saga. Have private treatment starting as soon as I’m able after the op, so very grateful to be getting everything checked out first.

I had a HyCoSy a few months back and had extreme unbearable abdominal pain for 2-3 hours afterwards - it was so agonising that I passed out twice. Had vivid shakes, hands and toes went numb, cold and sweating out - so wasn’t a good time.

I’m really nervous about having the same reaction from the Hysterscopy. I think I can handle the Laparoscopy - provided that they don’t cause damage! I’ll be under general.

Have any of you ever had these procedures? How were you afterwards? Any tips?

Thank you,

Lulu 💕

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29 Replies
Essence1 profile image

Hi LuluLJ,I had a hysteroscopy, as my consultant wanted to checked the linning of my womb following a myeomyctomy to remove fibroids. I was instructed to take painkillers beforehand, I took paracetamol.

It was a bit uncomfortable, kind of like period pains. But my consultant was very good and took breaks inbetween. I think you may wish to keep your specialist informed on how you are feeling throughout the procedure.

Wishing you all the best. X

in reply to Essence1

Hey Essence1,Thank you love. They are going to put me under so I will have some blissful ignorance while they do it :-) Hopinf the aftermath isn’t so brutal afterwards, but guess if it helps, then no pain is off-limits for me at the moment!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼

Glad yours went well and no complications - that certainly gives me reassurance.

Thanks for responding hun x 💕

Jess1981 profile image

I've had 3 laps and a hysterscopy with a lap. I expect they will do both under GA.I'm an endo sufferer too. I also found the HSG extremely painful and any gynae examination is agony for me due to my endo. Yet I had no difficulty with my laps. I did have an infected belly button which the specialist treated. I would recommend lots of rest depending on what they do- tho the scars are small doesn't mean the work they do is! Since having the endo diagnosis and my third lap I had my 2 year old daughter Francesca (after a 7 year struggle and chemical pregnancy) after having her we conceived a few times - lost our daughter Amelia at 20 weeks pregnant last November and suffered 2 early losses post Amelia. I'm currently 12 weeks pregnant and hoping this is my rainbow baby. Before the endo diagnosis we really couldn't conceive. Endo is definitely worth investigating for I know it doesn't always affect fertility but did in my case. I would recommend throat lozenges as your throat will be sore afterwards and peppermint tea as you will probably feel bloated. Any questions on Laps happy to answer! Good luck Xx

in reply to Jess1981

Thank you so much Jess - and congratulations on your bump and sending best wishes for a smooth pregnancy xxI’ve added throat lozenges to the list - never even thought about that - and will also grab some peppermint tea. Thank you lovely xxx

Millbanks profile image

Hi Lovely, I had a HyCoSy and it was also unbearable - I vomited after as I think my body went in to shock.However when I had a Hysteroscopy to remove a polyp I was under sedation and didn't feel a thing (and zero pain after) and I also had a Laparoscopy to clip my fallopian tubes and I was under GA - also didn't feel a thing and although it was a bit painful after they gave me lots of pain relief and within a couple of hours I felt normal again.

Best of luck! xx

in reply to Millbanks

Hi Millbanks,Oh wow you had a bad time too? Sorry to hear that. It was so bad wasn’t it?!! - and no one seems to have experienced it like that!! I can tolerate pain, but that was unbearable.

That’s incredibly reassuring that you were okay afterwards - I’ll let the consultant know before-hand about the HyCoSy experience so that we can get painkillers in and ready then lol!

Thanks for writing to me hun xx 💕

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to

So bad - I couldn't believe that they just said to take a paracetamol before hand - it didn't even touch the sides.... I'm sure you'll be grand for the next one xxx

in reply to Millbanks

Yes I felt the same!!! It’s so strange! I Couldn’t work out if it was the dye, the amount of instruments they put in there, or from moving everything around inside! I’ve never given birth, but did question if that could be worse, given that I lost consciousness (only time ever) twice and completely froze! Apparently we are in the 5%! Typical lol!! Xxx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to

I thought the same - can I cope with birth if this is so bad!!! xx

in reply to Millbanks

Just take ALL of the drugs lol!!! Xx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi LuluLJ. Oh dear! No need to worry, you will be asleep! A Hy-co-Sy and HSG are done when awake and can cause the Fallopian tubes to go into spasm and create awful crampy pain. I'm sure you will be fine. Your tummy will be a bit bloated and windy, so be careful who you're sitting next to!!!!! Diane

in reply to DianeArnold

Haha Diane that made me chuckle. That’s exactly what it felt like! Thank you for responding lovely xx 💕

XOXO13 profile image

Hi Lulu, I’ve had both a hysteroscopy and HyCoSy wide awake. The HyCoSy I was fine with, uncomfortable but not painful for me so I think I was lucky. So sorry you had a bad experience. The hysteroscopy for me was horrendous. I was wide awake and the pain was awful I asked them to stop (but they didn’t, kept saying “won’t be a moment”). I cried after and nearly passed out. If I could have had it under general, I would have done because with general, you won’t feel anything and your recovery pain will be managed much better as well. You’ll be okay 💗

in reply to XOXO13

Oh my gosh bless you, sounds like a terrible experience! Sorry you had to go through that hun. Thank you for writing back lovely. P.S Hope Twinnies are doing well xx 💕

kittie2 profile image

I had laparoscopy/hysteroscopy a few years ago to remove endo. The first couple days afterwards were a bit rough, but not super terrible. I took the pain pills the doc gave me and slept a lot. Definitely get throat lozenges. Prop yourself up on pillows, and try to sleep slightly elevated so the leftover gas does not travel to your shoulders. Look for Charco Caps to help the gas dissipate faster (they have them on Amazon). I found these worked better than other gas tablets. Also, Traditional Medicinals Smooth Move tea and/or prune juice to help with constipation. Drink lots of water. Get your own sanitary towels or liners in case of light bleeding. The ones they give you after surgery are HUGE. If you don’t have someone to help you constantly during recovery, make sure to have lots of snacks and easy to prepare meals handy. Try to walk around the house a bit each day, but do not lift anything heavy or do anything strenuous. Wear loose fitting clothes (t-shirt dresses and nightgowns work great). You will not want anything pressing on your tummy. Best of luck!

in reply to kittie2

Ah you are AMAZING!! Thank you so much for the tips and advice. I’m writing everything down. Glad yours went well, except for the pain afterwards. I’m probably building it up in my head to be way worse than reality! I’mUsually fine with stuff like this, but that HyCoSy has scarred me for life!!!

Thank you so so much for the response hun and I will certainly be taking it all!

Xx 😘

Bella_Bee profile image

Hiya, I don't have endo. but had an HSG to make sure my fallopian tubes were not blocked. In some countries it's standard practice to have it done before fertility treatment alongside breast cancer screening and other wider health issues. It's amazing really. Anyway, I digress. Look it's not nice but it's not terrible either. Feels like a few sharp scratches and the whole thing lasts longer than it feels it should (about 20mins?) but it's not that bad and I have a low pain threshold. Also didn't have any pain afterwards. Take some pain medication beforehand. Cocodamol or diazepam (muscle relaxant) would be great if you have any from a former prescription. It really is no biggie and, in my experience, not even anywhere close to how you described a hycosy. When I was researching it before having it done I read many posts from women who felt no pain at all so it might even go that way for you. Hope it does. Good luck with it all 😘

ps there is also some statistical evidence that you have a higher chance of getting pregnant immediately after an hsg. 😉

in reply to Bella_Bee

Hey Bella,Thank you for the response hun. Appreciate the honesty - It’s probably just going to be more of an annoyance afterwards (no driving, cleaning, cooking etc), but I can’t imagine it will be like the HyCoSy. Yes fingers crossed I’m like the others who are fine afterwards. My usual follicle scans are so easy I wouldn’t know I’ve had it!

Oooohhhh that’s interesting!!! Certainly all the more reason to do it!!! Thanks for the advice and support hun xx 💕

Belangalo profile image

I had both of them at the same time under general. I was in agony after my first egg collection so I knew I absolutely needed proper pain relief rather than just taking some "panadol". If you are concerned, like I was, ask for a script of proper painkillers like endone or tagine after surgery. Because I was on these a few days after surgery I only felt mild discomfort as opposed to the agony after ec! Good luck! These tests can really help your fertility journey! Xxx

in reply to Belangalo

Thank you hun - good shout, I will definitely ask about stronger meds for in case. At least this time I’ll be in hospital for a few hours after if there is a problem, unlike getting turfed out straight after the HyCoSy and left laying on the car park floor in the rain lol!!Fingers crossed, thank you hun xx💕

Future1000 profile image

Hi LuluLJ. Had a lap and hystero 4 days ago under general anesthesia. Doctor found some mild endometriosis on the ovaries and removed it. Operation took 2 hours, I have 3 stitches on my belly. After operation you will feel some pain so you need to rest and take your pain killers, sleep slightly elevated to ease the bloating as you will have a lot of gas after the operation, drink peppermint tea and ask your doctor for ways to ease constipation (I'm using glycerine suppositories). You might have a mild sore-throat due to anesthesia but it's not that annoying. Try to walk slowly whenever you can to keep your blood flowing, i'm eating a lot of warm soup, and stay away from foods that cause bloating as gas will really travel to your shoulders and back and will make you feel uncomfortable. Don't strain yourself or lift anything heavy so you can recover quickly. Best of luck to you and i'm here to answer all your questions 🤗🍀

in reply to Future1000

Hey love. Oh wow, hope you are feeling better now and recovering quickly xxWere you relived that they found endo, or hoping for it not to have been there? And were you surprised?… I’m in 2 minds about whether it’s good to find it or not… My left ovary is sitting slightly behind my uterus and apparently that happens for 1 of 2 reasons.. born like it, or endo. I’m hoping it’s endo and can be improved therefore, but also don’t want it to be endo in case it grows back! I have a crazy low reserve too (AMH @ 0.6 Pmol/L or 0.08 Nmol/L). So this is just another hurdle in the road 😢

Thank you for the tips hun, I will absolutely follow your footsteps there.

Hoping you recover well and get the dream outcome from it xxx 💕

Take it easy xx

Future1000 profile image
Future1000 in reply to

Hi darling. Thank you, i'm feeling way better today. Honestly, yes I was relieved they found something because after 3 failed embryo transfers, and with doctor telling me every time that everything is normal but that the problem is with my age (40) I was loosing hope. So now with mild endo removed I kind of have some hope for my next FET. Hope everything goes well for you and that the ovary problem gets resolved with laparoscopy. As for the AMH I heard a lot of stories about low reserve that ended with beautiful BFPs! Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Take care 💓

in reply to Future1000

Thank you love xOh wow that’s great that you’ve had it done now then - really hoping that the next FET goes well for you - crossing fingers (and toes!!). Every hurdle passed is another bit of hope back in your basket! Take care 💕😘

Thank you all so much for responding, I knew this forum would be more informative than anything I’d read in the hospital or internet! I am making notes as I read your tips now. Thank you so much lovelies 💕 xxx

Fruitandflowers profile image

Hi LuluLJ,

I had a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy when I was in my late teens as I had endometriosis symptoms since I was about 11! Back then, doctors wouldn't accept you could have it from such a young age. Thankfully, a nurse advised me to go on the combined pill for three months at a time from age 15 - it doesn't work for everyone but by the time I had my lap they said the endo was there but almost gone (thankfully without scarring) and to just keep doing what I was doing. The procedure itself was under GA and I was very groggy for a couple of days and the shoulder pain was not fun. I was annoyed at the little scar below my belly button - looking back I think how ridiculous!

When I came off the pill around 30 I started to get symptoms again so I had another lap 18mnths after - this time they didn't find anything. They even tested for 'micro' endometriosis so may be worth seeing if you can include that. The procedure was under GA and ok - just sore and sort of bruised, but the shoulder tip pain drove me a bit mad. I was also so bloated (I basically lived in a sack dress and men's joggers for two weeks!). But nothing painkillers and gentle walks couldn't manage. Loose clothing will stop the stitches catching. The incisions (think I had 3 or 4 as my ovaries are difficult to get to apparently) are tiny and I can't even find the marks now.

Best of luck x

in reply to Fruitandflowers

Oh wow, sounds like you really went through it - and young!!! Thank you for the advice hun, will absolutely take it on. How long did you shoulder pain last for afterwards? Xx

Fruitandflowers profile image
Fruitandflowers in reply to

I think I was lucky because I had something that treated it and (so far) it seems to be a form that doesn't reappear. Shoulder pain was a few days - apparently it's irritation from the gas. It just pinched and ached in the tips, like you wanted to just keep rubbing them - probably more of an annoyance than anything else. I looked like a balloon that could easily pop for few days, then just rotund, like after Christmas dinner :)

in reply to Fruitandflowers

Ahaha Christmas dinner!! That was great that they sorted you out then, and you didn’t suffer again with it. I might sleep in the spare room then so that I don’t gas poor hubby out 🤣 Thanks hun 💕

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